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Last stream before a long weekend of pinball - Mystery Mystery randomizer:

arborelia boosted

Singal: [blubbering, snot gushing from nose] she said i was responsible for fostering a moral hysteria that kills trans people!!
Singal: [ugly crying] just because i was ask
Singal: [ugly crying] ask
Singal: [ugly crying] asking questions

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Here’s an alternative that is ready and not poisoned by Google culture: Internet Archive Scholar.

They consulted trans authors, including me, on their data update process.

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If Google had any alternative, a plan better than shutting down Scholar, we would have heard of it by now.

But instead they’ve done nearly nothing for 4 years, they’ve never even responded to the Name Change Policy Working Group, and the one thing they tried (while taking no input from non-Googlers) just outed and deadnamed trans authors _more_.

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arborelia boosted

So incredibly proud to have signed onto this letter to the NYT calling out the harms of their anti-trans coverage.

This is not a defense of the status quo. The solution is one Google knows well and is clearly capable of.

Google Scholar must shut down.

You’ll manage, cis people. There are others ready to do the job, right now, if Google didn’t suck all the air out of the room.

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The things Scholar would have to change, to stop driving trans people out of academia, would depend on deep cultural changes at Google.

They can’t even make those cultural changes for the sake of profit, so they clearly can’t make them for the sake of not being giant assholes.

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To catch up on why Google Scholar is a uniquely trans-exclusionary force in academia:

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This article by an Xoogler illustrates why things at Google are hard to change.

From the point of view of my own issue, it shows why Google Scholar, with all its unearned academic authority, will never be able to change to be inclusive of trans authors.

arborelia boosted

“Google has 175,000+ capable and well-compensated employees who get very little done quarter over quarter, year over year. Like mice, they are trapped in a maze of approvals, launch processes, legal reviews, performance reviews, exec reviews,… and reorgs”

arborelia boosted

"Oh it's just early days, we'll fix it"

My sibling in code, you can't even explain how it works in the first place, how are you going to fix it?

I’m playing the Total Nuclear Annihilation pinball machine and the mystery award blinks through fake ones like “choose your score” and “tilt next player” before settling on the real one.

One of them is “Add more beep” and it made me think of @lenalia

arborelia boosted

This is how you review an antisemitic, transphobic, piece of shit video game: you roast it in the review and turn the buy link into a donation to Trans Lifeline.

arborelia boosted

Gotta be honest, the number of you who are ascribing some sort of agency to these language models is pretty depressing, it's like breaking up a fight between a person and the chair they stuck stuck googly-eyes on because the chair is winning.

arborelia boosted

It's just very bad design to ask a user to do something that they literally cannot do, and this is the first thing we ask of new users. "Choose wisely!" Okay, what does that mean? How do I do that? "Choose wisely!"

When people talk about how alienating getting started on Mastodon is, this is a big part of it.

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Imagine if moderators of different instances could agree on a method of conflict resolution.

No, escalating the conflict until it leaves a smoking crater that harms uninvolved people is not "conflict resolution", but apparently it's the only thing we know how to do

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!