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There's a new version of ALttP Overworld and Door Randomizer! Which I may or may not be playing. It's a Mystery Mystery run

OH WAIT I’ve also gotten six steps up the Stiff-O-Meter (I know) on Scared Stiff. But that’s not even in the top half of scores

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so this happened? this might be my first time** getting to a wizard mode* on a real machine and it’s heckin Munsters??

* as I understand it, Munster Madness is a pretty attainable mode if you play well, but there isn’t a bigger wizard, besides doing it again

** if mini-wizards count, I got Crank It Up on Metallica at SGDQ’s pinball arcade. I didn’t know what it was

Who is driving? Zut alors, cat is driving, how can this be

arborelia boosted

the most important part of the history of Unicode is the time that a mouse fell out of a light fixture and got added to the count of members present

arborelia boosted

"My least favourite word in the German language is Geduld. It means patience, and I hate it because it appears in nearly every response to me in the ticket I've had open with my university's IT department for an entire year, begging them to change their naming policy for Microsoft Teams."


"What I feel is powerless. When states require that I tell them my name, my gender, my state of transness, I am now powerless to resist, simply because institutions like my university cannot bother to dignify me with an identity outside my state-given one. It is institutional policy to see me only in the ways I have institutional legitimacy, rather than to pose the question: why the fuck does my neural networks professor need to know my government name?"

arborelia boosted

“If one 84-year-old cis white shitposting novelist can become less transphobic on Twitter, then we are all endowed with the capacity for growth and change.”

harry potter, transphobia, schadenfreude 

A transphobic troll who showed up to my stream (and got auto-modded) was mad that trans people are spoiling Hogwarts Legacy.

I don't even care about the other thing that troll was trying to say about trans people. That made my night. It's _working_!

1986 pinball is at 8pm tonight, but what I'm streaming now is Ittle Dew 2+ Randomizer

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

Computers have been beating the best human Go players since 2016. The Go world champion retired in part because AI is “an entity that cannot be defeated.”

But a human just trounced one of the world’s best Go AIs 14 games to 1:

I think this news story is more interesting than it might first appear (without knowing details, so grain of salt). It isn’t just a gaming curiosity; it points to a fundamental flaw with “deep learning” approaches in general.

An PK Scramble seed with mystery settings, testing a new version of my Katamari music pack

An afternoon Mystery Mystery randomizer. We haven't seen in a surprisingly long time so maybe this time:

arborelia boosted

i'm so burned out on everyone posting LLM output already. i get that it's novel but it also feels like filling the world up with more spam. it's like the whole world simultaneously discovered mad libs and wants to keep showing off how funny it is if you put "butt" in every space

The bad news is, we did not make it to Wisconsin for District 82 Pinball.

The good news is, we knew when to quit. We are home and not stuck in O'Hare.

While our luggage goes on a tour of the northern cities, I'm going to stream some consolation Mystery Mystery randomizer:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!