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I'm in a multiworld with @deejvalen and others, and also we worked on a new MSU pack for PK Scramble, and I'm doing both of those in tonight's stream

arborelia boosted

Kerim Safa - Factory of Nothing #pixelart #gif

"Factory of Nothing" is a manually-crafted digital animation that depicts an imaginary automated manufacturing system that does not produce anything.


It's a rainy day and @deejvalen is here, so we're doing a very casual Earthbound PK Scramble race with mystery settings

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

To set the record queer, I never called @arborelia a brat, even if she is one.

I'm going to see what the fuss is with this seed as I would never subject someone to things I myself never would endure myself.

so @deejvalen is here and she chose some PK Scramble settings for me!

At first I said her settings sounded easy so she called me a brat and raised the difficulty.

arborelia boosted

hey just heard back from the sphinx of black quartz, they said your vow was actually pretty mid. sorry

arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted
arborelia boosted

#ドット絵 #pixelart

like any service capable of operating on the Internet should see someone @-ing 100 people they've never interacted with before, and say, nah, this isn't going to happen.

oh there's a federation reason that that's impossible? okay! that's why federation is fucking stupid!

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so uh, I'm not the only one who got my notifications spammed with transphobic death threats from different servers, right?

it's making me even more disillusioned about the "fediverse". is there any sort of plan for cross-instance moderation that isn't "hope it doesn't happen too much"?

(if you say fediblock you are in denial)

arborelia boosted


If you are curious about leaving the cooked turkey site and going to the elephant site, here are some important tips:

1. It sucks. But then, so does every site.

2. You can still shitpost. Take great glee.

3. Picking your server is super important.

Ideally you should start at a large instance, and leave because it's full of white suburban NIMBY shitheads who joined in November because they were promised 0 uncomfortable experiences in their lives and lash out when this turns out not to be the case.

Then you move to a smaller server where suddenly you can't talk to your friends because your admin is feuding with the admin of their instance. Then you wait a month before you can move again.

In this regard, the feudal structure of Mastodon instances is very like early 2000s message boards, whenever the admin got drunk and deleted the site.

4. You can work around the feudalism by running Mastodon yourself. It's the size of a mastodon and costs a fortune.

You can run Pleroma, which is smaller, and is also favoured by Nazis for unfortunate historical reasons. Pleroma is perfectly good software that fulfils a need for something smaller than Mastodon, but also the devs are definitely not Nazis but are the other ten guys at the table.

There was a hilarious moment where the guy behind Spinster was so obnoxious he got kicked out of Pleroma and did his own fork called Soapbox/Rebased. He is now known as Soapbox Terf.

The nice people went to Pleroma fork Akkoma, which Soapbox Terf calls the "tr***y server", a review I understand they were delighted by. Try that.

There's also Misskey, which is a bit weird and Japanese, and supports cat ears right there in the protocol.

5. Any bozo who makes assertions about the Fediverse that assume it all runs on the rules of is one of the suburban NIMBYs and invariably joined in November. Block and don't look back.

6. If anyone annoys you about your posting, you can improve their feed for them by blocking them from ever seeing your posts. The blocking tools are marvellous.

7. There are NO QUOTE TWEETS on Mastodon and anyone who wants QUOTE TWEETS is an invader, pollutant and corrupting influence despoiling the suburban vistas of Mastodon who only wants quote tweets to wreak EVIL.

So quote-tweeting is well supported in Akkoma and the Calckey fork of Misskey, is in live trials in the Treehouse fork of Mastodon, and will be coming to more Fediverse software soon.

8. In Mastodon, Eugen Rochko has achieved the creation of something greater than himself. And he will *never forgive it*.

9. The Fediverse interprets Website Boy as damage and routes around him.

10. Mastodon is yet another demonstration that worse is better. So come onto Mastodon, and *be* that worse.

can I finish a Mystery Mystery randomizer run before it's time to go see a movie?

It's the end of the 80s on , my chronological stream through pinball history

It's my first stream of April, and I'm playing the with some foolish new settings

also, as you may notice, it was turned off, which was very beneficial to the tournament experience

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!