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Arden boosted

Hey, please consider signing the below petition - if you’re a U.K. Resident and/or citizen - to recognise non-binary folk’s gender in law & id. #uk #scotland #ukpolitics #scotpol #ukpol #nonbinary #lgbtq #petition #europe #wales #northernireland

Thanks in advance, (& to @cassolotl for setting the petition up) please share too if you’re able to!

From: @cassolotl

Arden boosted

Hey, anyone know of a job opportunity for a brilliant nuclear physicist with skills to pay the bills? She's located in the Bay Area of California in the US. Check her account for a recent post on her outline of her skills:

Boosts welcome.


Arden boosted

Some metascience thoughts as we share our latest preprint.

Social science and the health sciences have so much to bring to help software teams, not just on the individual level but on the systemic organizational level. Not just in our "caring topics" but in our radical centering of human experience as a technical craft, our empirical methods.

There is an underinvestment in developer experience not just categorically, but within the topic itself

(Preprint here: )

Arden boosted

There's been a UK court ruling that nonbinary people are entitled to binary GRCs if they want them.

I will share more details when I have them.

Arden boosted

prompt engineering? i don't know about that, engineers do important calculations and if they mess up a bridge or building could fall down, i think i'm okay if they take their time

Arden boosted

Someone asked me how I knew I was trans and honestly, I didn’t and still don’t.

What I know is that I started exploring my gender expression and found a lot of joy in it. I took a thousand little steps that felt right deep in my bones. A thousand steps each of which finally felt like getting closer to whatever my true gender expression looks like.

In the end, once I stepped far enough from the box I had been put in, society labeled me as trans. This is a label I have accepted to find others who have been on this journey.

In the end I’m trans because it’s an accurate label. I didn’t realize I was trans, I just realized I needed to start being more me.

Arden boosted

American astronomer Annie Jump Cannon died #OTD in 1941.

Cannon developed a system of stellar classification based on spectral characteristics, which became known as the Harvard Classification Scheme (she was one of the "Harvard Computers"). She classified hundreds of thousands of stars, organizing them by temperature and spectral characteristics. Her work laid the foundation for our understanding of stellar evolution and the composition of stars.

#astronomy #womeninscience

Arden boosted

The video for my GDC talk "Revisiting Fun: 20 Years of a Theory of Fun" is now up for free on the GDC Vault!

Arden boosted
Arden boosted

Do you know about Discipline Based Education Research (DBER)? Teaching researchers in like biological sciences, physics, & chemistry w/expertise in both the domain of their discipline AND teaching have been doing amazing work on how students learn STEM skills, addressing misconceptions, and scaffolding inclusive cross-field goals.

"new knowledge developed within DBER has led to meaningful improvements in student learning and
participation in STEM disciplines" (Henderson et al., 2017)

Arden boosted

Kid1: “respect my trans friends or I will identify as a problem”
Kid2: I already identify as a problem
Me: pssh, you were assigned problem at birth

And this, friends, is breakfast in the castle

Arden boosted

"Aye, the sirens," says the lighthouse keeper, picking a bit of tobacco from his beard. "Some nights, when the wind is just so, I swear I can hear 'em singing." "What do they sing?" I prod him. A faraway look in his eyes, he says in a voice barely above a whisper, "Tubthumping."

Arden boosted
Arden boosted

Be especially kind to trans/agender/non-binary people in the UK today 

@neil this is also a helpful reminder to avoid UK news sites today (or at least brace for impact first).

Arden boosted

Be especially kind to trans/agender/non-binary people in the UK today 

Lots of news sites and people are going to be discussing a high profile report into the UK’s NHS and gender identity.

One of the report’s conclusions is around the toxicity of the “debate”, which is no surprises and is borne out by some of the headlines I’ve seen in papers today,

Anticipate plenty of anti-trans comments and sentiment today so please be extra kind and supportive to people in your life who could be affected.

Arden boosted

This is a long and surprisingly in depth exploration of people like me who want to get things on physical media because we’ve lost faith in corpo streaming

Arden boosted

So it's finally happened. I'm tired of ☠️-ing Adobe software. With its shift to AI and other dubious practices I'm finally switching to #FOSS alternatives.
For photoshop I'm using #Krita; Illustrator, #Inkscape, tho now I'm looking for an indesign alternative. So far #Scribus seems the most popular. And I might have to get a free trial of indesign to export my existing books into XML format 🙃
Anyone know any other alternatives?
#OpenSource #software #windows #askmastodon #opensourcegraphics

Arden boosted

tired: trimming the UTM params on urls you share for aesthetics

wired: rewriting the UTM params, polluting the data and sharing little messages with your friends like “s=omg”

Arden boosted
Arden boosted

The best way I have been able to explain being nonbinary to old nerds to me is that,

I am Ed.
I have always been Ed.
Ed is always Ed, Ed is ageless.

Does Ed need a gender or a date? Heck no! Can Ed sabotage a robot facility? Yes! Can Ed also dance with an adorable puppy? Also yes!

Ed needs funnnnn, and probably explosions. Also, really killer hair and a spaceship. I too need really killer hair, explosions, and probably a spaceship. We also just sometimes end up places, and chaos follows.

So there, there is my gender diatribe. I hope everything is much clearer now.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!