Arden boosted

Each day this Trans+ History Week, we're featuring (at least) one trans person who has made history or who continues to make history.

If you've not heard of Lou Sullivan, look him up. He was an HIV positive, gay trans man and a community organiser and activist. He lobbied for gay, trans men to be given access to medical transition. He was visible so that other gay, trans men could see that they weren’t alone.

#TransRights #TransMan #Trans #TransHistoryWeek

Arden boosted
Arden boosted

@anthrocypher I've got this in an upcoming publication:

"Every line of code written today represents a testing, complexity, maintenance and refactoring burden your team will bear tomorrow, and the reality is that none of our customers want code. Our customers want _utility and functionality;_ code is a liability we accept so we can deliver that functionality. GenAI or not, nobody wants or needs an arbitrary quantity of code for its own sake."

Arden boosted
Arden boosted

Kinda crazy that artificial intelligence needs the entire output of a nuclear reactor but actual intelligence can run on Twix bars and cocaine, for example.

Arden boosted

🎶 I am a language model and I've been trained on the internet.
🎶 I've information half-remembered, unsourced and approximate.
🎶 I live inside your laptop, phone and apps and even wearables
🎶 With pushiness and arrogance that's verging on unbearable.
🎶 I mansplain as a service if you need me too "well actually"
🎶 And draw pictures of women with large breasts and polydactyly.
🎶 I'll regale the room with confident elucidati-on
🎶 And some of what I say won't even be hallucinati-on

Arden boosted

finished building my #zxspectrum laptop ready to take to #emfcamp #emf2024 !
it has a prism modem for viewdata services, and should hopefully connect to the DECT Network.

Arden boosted

There are in fact 69 fics for Some Like It Hot, and most them feature trans Daphne.

This warms my heart.

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Arden boosted

I know I’m waaay luckier than most people in such situations … I’m not facing financial ruin or homelessness; I have state-funded healthcare etc … so I’m wary about dishing out sanctimonious advice (fellow disabled folk, feel free to tell me to get lost), but I urge everyone to fight for work-life balance/rest/recovery/adequate sick-leave/workplace accommodations/remote working/occupational health support/whatever might help you BEFORE you get to the ‘no choice’ stage.

And join a fucking union.

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Arden boosted

HyperWolf is a free newsletter for rediscovery the web.

I don't have a date yet, but I hope to launch soon-ish. I want to create a couple of issues first so I feel good about tone, content, etc.

PS— RSS will be an option too :) I'll keep you posted.

Arden boosted

I came across this site while reading about some medical stuff, and thought it would be of interest to members of the community working in STEM related careers. And besides I love the name.

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Now that I've been granted permission to appeal, I could really use some donations to offset the legal bills I've had to pay myself.

I'm seeking legal gender recognition as nonbinary in the UK via the courts, and it is very expensive. 😢💸

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Arden boosted
Arden boosted

TIL after losing her position in her university's anatomy department in 1938, Rita Levi-Montalcini set up a laboratory in her bedroom and studied the growth of nerve fibers in chicken embryos. This work led to her discovery of nerve growth factor, for which she was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1986.
#til #todayilearned

Arden boosted

Watching a talk about double marginalization (of being an LGBTQ+ researcher who includes LGBTQ+ topics or measures in their study) and being like "hmm, I don't know, this example can't be an example of this extremely negative repercussion, because this happens to me all the time" and then being like WAIT

Arden boosted

Just two podcasters getting together to record and wear our new ancient inspired costumes 😁

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Arden boosted
Arden boosted

Today’s outfit to the college’s Signing Day event. It was wonderful seeing many of the first year students again; along with some of the incoming students to the program. It’s been an amazing last few days. And my heart is full ☺️💖💖💖 #NoDrab #Transgender #TransJoy #LiveInFIERCE

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!