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*screaming anxiously like glitch pokemon cries*

super anxious over my girlfriend potentially getting a really good thing going aaaaaaa

idk how to tag this, but probably bad 

not lumping marginalized people with their main oppressors and avoiding making arbitrary classes for the same marginalized people is, if at least, a good way to keep your feet on the ground against being tricked and lied by your common oppressors for infighting

@MiseryMyra my girlfriend is a cutie all year, and i'm so gay!

things are difficult...
but it can be done
and progress and growth...
we can do it

after wandering so long aimlessly... in an instant, so many of my issues were fixed, and am starting to gain control of my life...


@naidje aaa i should bake bread again sometime, it was so nice

this looks so good! it makes me want to try too!

74 boosted

@Nine you can play as her there too, if you rescue her near the start of the game she should be available
i forget how to choose her once she is available but, yeah!
she makes the game actually fun to play

74 boosted

i love my girlfriend and i'm so gay omg

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!