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re: stuck 

@Celestia ooh I was thinking backwards, the 47 isn't pointing INTO the 12 cage so it doesn't break the 12 cage
adding the cage totals does force the outside cells to be 89 pairs which neatly sets the values of the four central cages! let's see where it goes from here!
(thanks for the help, and also for the puzzle!)


@Celestia the interactions in columns 4 and 5 keep breaking the puzzle for me. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
the 1 in box 5 forces the 1 in the 8 cage into box 1, this forces the 1 into the 10 cage of box 4 and puts 68 in the 14 cage.
Now we have 8s pointing into box 5 which restrict the 20 cage. 479 and 578 break the 12 cage. 389 with 8 in r7c5 sets the 19 cage f box 5 to 478, or 568 with 8 in r5c4, both of which break the 12 cage. 659 sets the 19 cage to 478, breaking the 12 cage.

tumblr will forever be the greatest evidence that social media and corporate interests are completely incompatible (tbf most everything is)

apple's purity culture bs
automattic's shiny new unoriginal features no one wants that only get in the way of the "core experience"
yahoo's whatever the fuck they were doing

desire for constant infinite growth is hostile

@Celestia this was a lot of fun! I'm not a strong solver, it took me a while to find the next steps after resolving most of the center band. I ended up using high-low coloring which got me through! Finding the interactions of all the 12 cages was really nice. my solve ended up being 49 minutes flat!

New puzzle new puzzle

Still exploring interesting logic in standard killers

Playable link

The counter girl hopped right up when I walked in and was clocking in to help me.

Me: were you on break? I can wait until it's over I'm not in a hurry.

Her: no, we're supposed to clock out when there aren't customers

Me: oh no, honey, no. That's illegal.

Her: 😳

Me: not for you, for your manager or whoever told you to do that.

Her: it is?

Me: it's called wage theft when your boss doesn't pay you what you earned. when your boss requires you to stay here, he needs you pay you for your time.

Her: oh.

Me: here, this is the office number to an employment lawyer, call her and tell her you need to come in to talk about this

Her: I don't have any money

Me: we're gonna get your money, you already earned it sweetie.

I don't (ever) post Tumblr screenshots I found on other websites, but this is, the correct shit

"Death of the Author" never originally meant "ignore the problematic aspects of the author" or "forget about the author."

It meant that the author's opinion of their own work was not authoritative and, in fact, that there could be no "definitive" interpretation. It was about how each individual's interpretation could be considered authoritative in its own right

It wasn't supposed to be about "we can ignore the author being terrible or trying to push a narrative." It works at a different level

Hi friends, I made a new puzzle :) Give it a try if you've played and enjoyed some of my other puzzles before, I hope it bends your brain a little but most of all I hope you have fun playing it. Playable link and rules in the replies, let me know what you think if you try it.

Despite earlier worries, the new owners of Bandcamp, though they HAVE fired the entire employee union bargaining unit, are still holding Bandcamp Friday

This is great because it means you can buy music without supporting the union busting

Here's my list of over 100 Bandcamp recommendations with micro-reviews:

"Over 100 recommendations is too many. I want one recommendation"

Okay, listen to this song

Police nabbed a graffiti artist attempting to flee the scene of committing this (picture) adorable art in the harbor of Visby, Gotland, the large island just outside southeastern mainland Sweden.
The 27-year-old was prosecuted for vandalism, with the prosecutor demanding a fine.

Police's interrogation records said e.g. that "His intention is to offer free art to passersby." and... the District Court of Gotland... agreed.

The court's ruling states that no harm has been proven and that the artist "on a gray and cracked concrete façade which is the short end of a loading dock, has depicted a lamb.", that "The way in which X has illustrated the lamb testifies to an artistic work carried out with a certain amount of artistic and technical skill." then finally "According to the District Court's opinion, the beauty value of the cracked concrete façade - in purely objective terms - has increased through X's painting." so the 27-year old artist was acquitted by the court, which also ruled that the police had must return the spray cans they had confiscated.

Damn hippies. ;-D

Many people argue that Israeli atrocities against Palestinians reflect the ideology of Netanyahu & the far-right, and that we shouldn't blame Israel as a whole.

So to clarify: ethnic cleansing has been going on since Israel's birth in 1948—regardless of who led the country


#Israel #Palestine #Gaza

Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics:

A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports.

Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*.

Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA

even for someone like me who is not Christian it's a powerful and meaningful message and a welcoming community that puts their beliefs into action in the world and I really really appreciate that

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Today was about climate justice, the sacredness of the earth, panentheism, how Christianity caused the climate crisis and how faith traditions can be a still-important way to dig ourselves out of it

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Every time I attend this (online) church I end up liking it and its beliefs and practices even more

my games are on sale for the @itchio halloween sale! get em here:

all sales at this point are basically funneled straight into #KitsuneTails development

the good, useful internet did not make enough money. The broken, ad-blasted, unusable internet also doesn't make enough money

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!