Show newer hi! I'm Devon & I'm a friend (and metamour) of Mouse's. Sorry for the sudden follow, I've just wanted to talk to you for a long time now and never worked up the courage before seeing you in maple's server :x

The internet is very small but it's okay because I am very small myself

for a brief 2 or 3 years I forgot truscum even existed

why are we out here coercively assigning identities to people again wasn't the whole point of the project to stop doing that

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them: are you a boy or a girl?
me: I have updated my privacy policy

A free downloadable demo of my NES game Lizard is now available on

#LizardNES #NES 🦎 🕹

There were a few parts where they obviously referenced my script from the manga but then a bunch of parts where they didn't and also completely misunderstood a line or didn't bother to translate a pun

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watching Jojo part IV anime and being upset that the subtitle script is bad :(

all the people out there who identify with artificial intelligences. I love you, bless your central processing units 🖤 :purple_sparkling_heart: :crt_w_green_lines:

To finish up, here's how to uncheck everything in one go, using a desktop browser (Firefox/Chrome).

While on the page with the 322 checkboxes, open up your web console (Chrome:, Firefox:
and copy-paste this : 

document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]').forEach((input) => input.checked = false)

Then press enter.
All checks should be checked out.

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Wizards of the Coast is raising funds for Lambert House, an LGBTQ charity, by selling rainbow-flag :dnd: and MTG shirts:

H/T @atinyfairy

Another collection notice just arrived in my friend's inbox for 2620.30 GBP, and she's also using overdraft funds to pay for food.
Any amount helps, but so does spreading word through any medium you can. Thanks once again.

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serious, Mother’s Day 

Reminder to abused kids that it’s okay to cut ties with your family for any reason and you have absolutely no obligation to let them back into your life on this holiday or any other

Repeat after me:

My experience is not everybody's experience.

My perspective is not everybody's perspective.

My "obvious" is not everybody's "obvious".

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!