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I'm gonna share this again because I'm still in awe my hands were able to create this

#MastoArt #artist #illustration #art

OK so now that people are here:

Hi, I'm Aleksis, a Finnish-Chinese Illustrator + comics artist, emphasis on historical/fantasy & scifi + misc.
Currently drawing my own toku-inspired Rescue-Knight and Chinese-Roman fantasy comic called Legionary Extraordinary


Ko-fi (Commission info):
Twitter Art timeline (various pieces not on portfolio):

(it was to someone other than my boyfriend although my boyfriend is extremely supportive)

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I guess it's appropriate that my last real visit here was about my new boyfriend because now I am posting to say that I got engaged and am now a tiny fiancette

so I apparently have a boyfriend now as of a few weeks ago and nobody told me lol
I thought we were just dating but apparently we were actually *dating*

so I guess I have a date on Monday with an extremely nice person I met recently?

Just found out that next March is when Geocities Japan is shutting down, so if you have a favorite Japanese Geocities site go save it in the Wayback Machine:

This is what they mean by "you don't have to be dysphoric to be trans."

Cis & trans ppl relationships 

In the first few months after my wife came out to me I spent a lot of time being constantly asked “are you going to stay together” so much so that it made me doubt myself. “Success” stories of ppl staying together through a transition and especially when they are married are still elusive to find so I like to be as visible as possible about it. It’s been near enough four years now & watching her become the woman she wanted to be has been an honour.

the touchscreen doesn't respond at all even after hard reset
so I guess the screen assembly needs to be replaced :(
meanwhile I missed days at my day job to take my partner to the hospital and my translation job moved some of my titles to other months (after I had finished my involvement) meaning I'm only being paid this month for one of the three books I did in August

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programming shitpost 

the ancient doom engine fork programmers used every part of the c compiler

here's a commission i just got from ! it is of a friend's character and she is very cute and good

they just opened commissions recently and you should check them out!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!