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So, things are getting kind of interesting.

In the last few hours the new user rate has jumped from around 1000 per hour to more than 2500 per hour. While this is a big increase, it is nothing like back on Nov 18, when the average was over 10,000 new users per hour.

Still, this does feel like a new surge. Mastodon struggle back in November with the last wave. Let's hope we're ready for what comes next. Big shout out to the amazing admins and moderators all over the world!


bunny boosted

you gotta fact check the things you're sharing, there are lots of doctored posts going around, even on sites like mastodon

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(And if you want more #teletext goodness, check out Teefax, the community-run online teletext service, at, and SPARK at

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just found out that Bandai made a real Sonar cartridge for GameBoy that could be used to detect fish so you could go fishing in real life.

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I found this backup tape while sorting through boxes — the final resting place of Sound Bytes BBS.

Turns out I can still fire it up in DOSBox and browse through everything as a time capsule.

Though the farewell message suggests the BBS would return in summer of 1996, the world moved on quickly, and the BBS scene — as it was — disappeared just like *that*.

By the time 1996 did roll around, we were busy building our area's first dial-up ISP, and there was no turning back.

#bbs #retrocomputing

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Random sticky note found at work today, I laughed

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every single article about the fusion breakthrough is like "... and this is the first big step towards privatization and commercialization, where private business can generate profit!" said with the most gleeful of tones.

unequivocally, every single aspect of fusion power should be public domain. and the generators themselves should be nationalized and unionized in-perpetuity.

we should be treating this like the invention of fire or agriculture. to hell with energy companies.

keeping on top of stock for a hot item is a miserable experience i never look forward to. when i have to check for restocks on some webpage at 3:00AM, i have to question whether or not it's worth it

pretty good example of how our world and the spaces we exist within create the music of our reality

bunny boosted

@djlink my favorite then and now, even though the “now” pic is from 2015 and itself getting outdated quickly

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this string cheese lookin' ass casually surfboarding. fuck off.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!