Coming out to just one friend had the opposite affect to what I expected, even though he was super supportive. Normally (or at least, historically) my resting heart rate has been closer to 50bpm.

Oh fuck. What? Why are you looking at me like that!?

I should post about something else. Here’s another corvid. This time a rook that lives near me.

They turned out ok! The greenish tint is reduced on the second coat.

Show thread

Life got busy, but now the lkid’s birthday party is out of the way I can instead focus on more superficial things. I had purple nails for the last week, but the purple was so dark it looked black anyway, see? I have some blue to try next, which looks like it might come out a bit lighter. Or maybe I’ll just turn out goth again.

I’m out and about in Brighton with the little one. Pelicano made us a flat white and a babycino with a little artistic flair.

The Botanist is a cute little cafe near Brighton station at the top of North Laine. It’s full of plants (the clue is in the name) and makes a mean coffee.

Today I saw a splendid jay. I think this is probably the closest I've ever gotten to one.

Ok so I promise my hands are much prettier in person.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!