Follow the only flaw in this is that they were willing to actually hire a couple thousand peasants but they couldn't bother to just. buy a ten-foot pole. which is a staple d&d item

@monorail my point is that with the arbitrarily large amount of funds to hire all the peasants the price difference should be negligible

@autistikai @Kat they probably got the money to hire the peasants by buying ladders and selling poles

@monorail ok You Know What that's a reasonable explanation but also can you imagine. an adventuring party. that spends their days turning ladders into poles instead of adventuring

@autistikai @monorail @Kat Level 1 cheeses are a whole special category of D&D character optimization fuckery.

Most of the best level 1 builds are wizards who cannot actually cast spells. They've sold their spellbook to achieve hundreds of times their intended starting wealth, and then bought something weird with that.

@Nentuaby @monorail yeah and cheeses are Incredibly Entertaining but also. highly situational

@autistikai @monorail @Kat oh mate our party spent an insane amount of time trying to make rope

@binchicken @monorail tabletop groups have an infinite capacity for being distracted by anything and everything not related to the actual plot

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