
one of the primary methods amatonormativity legitimises itself is through the normalisation of mania in place of healthy types of love. in this essay i will—gets distracted, writes actual essay

this wasn't a shitpost btw i actually did get distracted and accidentally write an essay on this subject. given i have approximately nil understanding of what even constitutes an 'essay' i have no idea how it happened

to those asking to read the essay: i intend to share it on here as soon as i get around to actually uploading the d__n thing. that could happen anywhere between later today and literal weeks from now

@autistikai ill be honest i have no idea what amatonormativity is so im interested!

@Sirencrow amatonormativity is the idea that the only way to self-fulfillment in interpersonal relationships is through a single exclusive romantic partnership with exactly one other person. it's often paired with heteronormativity, and explicitly excludes everything from polyamoury to platonic relationships

@autistikai I am looking forward to an essay-length exploration of fae arthropods meanwhile

@pettancow i don't have an essay on that it's all just worldbuilding notes i'm sorry

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