hey, plural (or knowledgeable) friends!
we've got a freshly-hatched system we're trying to give support & advice to, and most of what was offered to us isn't available anymore

if y'all have any good plurality resources, could ya send 'em our way? thanks in advance

@autistikai Pleased to meet you! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

My friend @Motodrachen is also a plural and they would be able to help you with what you need.

@FreyaManibrandr @autistikai Yep, I'm essentially the plural systems shaman here,I'm on point for Demons, vampires, and other weird monsters that end up in people's heads and need rehab.

No, not exorcism, Rehab. Really REALLY hard to kill a system, even a malignant one.

@Motodrachen @autistikai Yep, usually the malignant factor comes from things out of place, like for example, anger being handled by the wrong persona.

@FreyaManibrandr @autistikai Or Rational Brain thinking being done by the Irrational brain and the other way around.

Oh, and there's Cerebellum Alters. They're kinda Special, and have their own rules and creation mechanisms.

Most folks I know who are Plural are Trans/nb, have traumatic backstories, and are Otherkin. Especially Cerebellum Alters, they tend to be who we left behind while in the process of "Growing Up".

Nine times out of Ten, their Game-save can be used for a Savegame+.

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