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it's weird how everyone outside of leftist circles seems willfully committed to fundamentally misunderstanding what anarchy is, almost like there's been decades of propaganda to paint it as-- *falls asleep for 1000 years because im just so tired*

lmao @ the fact that even to this day the british press refuses to call margret thatcher out for the violent monster that she was, and will only rarely go as far to call her a "divisive figure"

David Graeber "On the Invention of Money", anthropology 

"Anthropologists gradually fanned out into the world and began directly observing how economies where money was not used (or anyway, not used for everyday transactions) actually worked.

What they discovered was an at first bewildering variety of arrangements, ranging from competitive gift-giving to communal stockpiling to places where economic relations centered on neighbors trying to guess each other’s dreams. What they never found was any place, anywhere, where economic relations between members of community took the form economists predicted: “I’ll give you twenty chickens for that cow.”

Hence in the definitive anthropological work on the subject, Cambridge anthropology professor Caroline Humphrey concludes, “No example of a barter economy, pure and simple, has ever been described, let alone the emergence from it of money; all available ethnography suggests that there never has been such a thing”"


probably it was the best And the worst decision i've made in at least like months, let's be real

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actually deciding to run a shadowrun campaign was either the best or the worst decision i've made in at least like months

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
Come on and slam, and welcome
To the Space Jam

throwback to when someone on twitter said he doesn't shake hands with women b/c shaking hands is for checking for swords & women don't have those, then blocked me when i challenged him to a duel

oh you're a polycule?
which of you is speed
which is power
and which is flight?
what does your team attack look like?

you know what this house needs? more robots singing about being trans

just saw someone saying they headcanon snufkin as an anarchist and i'm just vaguely annoyed they don't recognise it as The Explicit Intent Of Snufkin's Portrayal In The Text

hey, all! we're working on a project and were wondering if anybody here had suggestions regarding:

• things parents of autistic kids need to know (to be better parents)

thanks either way, and we hope your day goes well

"Boost" alignment chart v1 

lawful good: boost
neutral good: retoot
chaotic good: reboost

lawful neutral: share
true neutral: link
chaotic neutral: reshare

lawful evil: [linking the post]
neutral evil: retweet
chaotic evil: note

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!