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hey, all! we're working on a project and were wondering if anybody here had suggestions regarding:

• things parents of autistic kids need to know (to be better parents)

thanks either way, and we hope your day goes well

"But who will uphold laws if we have no police?"

There have been various forms of peacekeeping and law enforcement throughout all of human history, both modern and ancient. The first centralised police force was formed in 1667 (in Paris, by Louis XIV). The word itself is originally French.

Historically, when one system was found not to be working, people have created a new system. The current system is not working.

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Me, literally years later: WAIT, was that person flirting with me??

the US prison system is legalised slavery 

"But we need the police! They've always existed!"

Modern policing didn't exist before the mid-19th century. In the US, this is around the time of the 13th Amendment, which outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude "except as punishment for crime."

Prior to this, the origins of the US police force were as slave patrols (sometimes known as Plantation Police).

Plantations became prisons. Today 2.1 million people in the USA (around 0.6% of the total population) are currently in prison. The largest prison population in the world.

The current US law enforcement system is itself a product of white supremacy.

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"But the protests have caused so much damage! Think about how much it's costing taxpayers!"

If the protests cause $100 million worth of damage, that is only 0.1% of the annual US police budget. They could cover the total cost of repairs and barely notice the difference.

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"But we can't defund the police!"

In the USA, the police have an annual budget of $100 billion, with an additional $80 billion spent on incarceration. During the coronavirus lockdowns, while other sectors have lost funding, some police budgets have actually increased.

We can absolutely defund the police.

any work of fiction: here's an actual fascist. and here's an extremely clear and thoro explanation of why he's bad

u/TerrariaRationalist: hmm but what if he has a point

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Changing the Mississippi State flag 

I just emailed a bunch of people from the Mississippi government about changing the State flag

The current flag contains the Confederate battle flag, yes *that* one

There's some momentum for this to actually happen, and they already have a replacement flag designed with popular support

If you have any connection with the state of Mississippi and would like to help this happen, I can help you figure out who to email and what to say

PSA, autism, please boost 

World's first academic article documenting autistic burnout please share

if you don't know, fuel rats are a volunteer player organisation in the space game 'elite dangerous' that travel to people who get stranded without fuel. they don't charge for this.

... elite dangerous galaxy is realistically sized, so even with the games ftl drive it takes like 18 hours of real time to travel from the bubble (of colonized space) to the galactic core and back.

and these people will travel those times\distances to help out some stranded explorer for free. :blobaww:

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Newer version of the 6-colour pride flag with a 5-colour chevron on the left side, including trans colours and POC colours. I like this version.

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thinking about that statue of jesus as a homeless man sleeping on a bench and how someone called the cops on it

POC inclusive pride flag. Because yes, I can and will find a flower with brown petals!

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Good morning.

Washington state Black Lives Matter are calling for a statewide general strike and silent March protest in support of black people on this Friday, June 12th.

“We’re calling on everyone in Washington state who is able to be there. If you can’t march in Seattle, organize one in your community,” board member Ebony Miranda said in a video news conference, asking people to participate despite the COVID-19 crisis.

“Anti-blackness is a greater threat to our survival, and racism in itself is its own pandemic. It’s killing us. We’re fighting to survive and thrive.”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!