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actually deciding to run a shadowrun campaign was either the best or the worst decision i've made in at least like months

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
Come on and slam, and welcome
To the Space Jam

throwback to when someone on twitter said he doesn't shake hands with women b/c shaking hands is for checking for swords & women don't have those, then blocked me when i challenged him to a duel

oh you're a polycule?
which of you is speed
which is power
and which is flight?
what does your team attack look like?

you know what this house needs? more robots singing about being trans

just saw someone saying they headcanon snufkin as an anarchist and i'm just vaguely annoyed they don't recognise it as The Explicit Intent Of Snufkin's Portrayal In The Text

hey, all! we're working on a project and were wondering if anybody here had suggestions regarding:

• things parents of autistic kids need to know (to be better parents)

thanks either way, and we hope your day goes well

"Boost" alignment chart v1 

lawful good: boost
neutral good: retoot
chaotic good: reboost

lawful neutral: share
true neutral: link
chaotic neutral: reshare

lawful evil: [linking the post]
neutral evil: retweet
chaotic evil: note

tired: it's not selfless if you benefit from the action
wired: it's not selfish if the community benefits from the action

theres a very strong through-line in liberal politics that the midwest is just 100% inhabited by stupid violent racists and thus should be avoided and disregarded whenever possible, and like, 1) no, 2) saying "oh well they deserve it" is not a valid reason to leave entire communities to rot

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i still think that for all intents and purposes, the us treats midwestern states like a third world country

one of two things needs to happen
1) white trans people need to get more than 5 names for their gender
2) white trans people #onhere need to think ther'es more than one person in the world with each first name and not immedaitely assume someone talking about someone with a first name is someone they know/hate when its not

all the time i am thinking “this would be better without prices” and “this is worse because profit” so much so that it has become a sort of background noise to existence

adhd culture a: starting lists with a number and forgetting what you started it with, 2: lapsing into an anecdote halfway through, or also like hey remember that time when

Trying a casual nonbinary greeting 

Hey all you gems and gods; who's trembling in your presence today?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!