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eye contact, clowns 

I can't believe my AP English teacher made us read that.

I can't believe I already had a copy because I saw this cover at a thrift store and had to have it

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Pokemon go, eye contact 

I caught my first shiny but it's stats are the most useless piece of shit

Helix Kitten
Venomous Bear
Cobalt Spider

They even illustrate them with fursonas based on the names. This is wild.

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Pokemon go 

Btw, my Pokemon Go friend code is 7013 2151 0813

Currently traveling with Robert Smith


Today in Medium recc'ing me terfs (and a really weird article about a rich guy who wears used socks?)

Netflix, please throw money at the show about Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian revolutionary), Antonio Meucci (the real inventor of the telephone), and a bunch of ghosts living together in 1800s Staten Island

With a dash of contemporary music as an intro (and his exit, too), "Orby" comes spinning onto your screen. Looking more like a moldy robin egg than a planet, Orby gets the job done "guiding" you through your session. When there's an intermission in your routine, Orby will wait for you -- quiet as the vacuum of space.

If you want to add a little spice to your session, pick "Chaz." He makes a cool entry, walking in with his "horn" in a blue case, sets down the case, opens it, and then attaches his horn to his face. If you make a mistake in a program, Chaz will sound a sour note, pull on his horn and then it snaps back and slaps him in the face, or says, "Oh man!"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!