Eye contact, elton john 

This is a real album cover but it looks like a shit post

Amazon is encouraging me to become That Guy With The Anime Avatar

'A biotech entrepreneur gave his New York City public high school a gift of $1 million. “You kind of look back and say, ‘Who do I have to thank for my success?’” said Martin Shkreli, 31. “For me it was definitely my high school,” said Shkreli. “I really cleaned up in the business world. I have to give thanks,” said Shkreli, who gave a special shout out to his math teacher, Linda Aboody. “Ms. Aboody was just a wonderful teacher — her logic class was unbelievably helpful,” he said.'

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And how can we forget queen of the cats, Wendy Carlos, this fine ?

More new Glassdoor reviews of ViewLift, an absurdly bad company you definitely should not work for if you are looking for an entry-level tech job.

The first is entitled, “Do not believe the Fake Reviews”

The second? "“A truly unscrupulous organization”"

Boy am I glad all they did was give me a (bizarre, awful) interview.

The top Weezer scholar on Genius is...Rivers Cuomo, with a little green checkmark next to his name so you know it's him, explaining his own damn shitty songs


Hey, can we just talk about the oddly horny Telegram sticker set that is Melie the Cavy.

There are many many stickers in this set emphasizing the cavy's huge ass and/or asshole.

I could buy that it was all innocent...

...but then there's the fucking sticker of the "thicc" cavy saucily smacking its own rump and nodding, with a gift bow tied around its stomach.

I use it all of the time, and it's fucking horny as hell.

This is the most American bullshit ever. If you need Jesus or a bank, you're good to go. All others pay 50 cents on up.


This really really really looks like an ad for fisting.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!