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Also, if you're too busy playing "which minority gets discriminated against more", then everyone loses, because that's what the controlling capitalist forces want. A force divided can not stand.

i want to thank anna for providing everyone with a textbook example of DARVO. it's a great service she's providing, showing everyone exactly what this technique of abusers, gaslighters, and general assholes looks like.

bread baking 

me whenever i feed my sourdough starter now: eat up hungy boi

On multiple occasions Anna has been told she was doing wrong in constructive ways and refused to self reflect and instead reacted in anger toward people telling her she messed up. Chalking it up to us "cancelling" her isn't right. She's been given chances time and time again and refuses to change

Never knew evangelicals were so into asses and monster fucking?

help! help! im being burned at the stake (asked to be held accountable for saying racist shit) by evangelical christians

i wish we could attempt to have conversations about racism on fedi without it turning into "what did anna do this time", which turns into anna defending herself, which turns into it becoming about anna, again,

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Wow. Ok. Telling other queers they're "evangelical Christians who hate LGBT" because they won't tolerate racism is really something else. But congrats, you got the domain block you were looking for.

White women are fucking WILD sometimes. Jesus fuck.

This morning has been a fucking absolute head trip with white people contorting themselves into bizarre positions to defend a known racist

White goy talking about the Inquisition while leaving out any mention of Jews: The burning times...were simply devastating for My People

this instance gets accused of queerbashing when we point out racism even though literally half of us are gender non conforming. interesting

Moneybegging :boost_ok:​ 

I am still in a tight financial spot right now, and I need money for transportation.

I need money to help me reach the LGBT meet-up I attend once-a-month on Tuesday, and then I will need money to help me make it to my therapist appointment on Thursday.

I need $45 for both trips, so a total of $90 altogether. I already got $10, but I haven't received anything else.

Please help me out if you can:

Cash App:$NatsumiKitty



#transcrowdfund #crowdfund

Meta, racism, thread 

This is what white bias does. Tells POC theyre wrong/they misinterpreted/and why are you so prickly anyway.

The PV and MyAss users have every fucking right to be prickly, because you can say "im a leftist" till you're blue in the face, but if you don't support POC and give WP chance after to chance to hurt them, you're not.
You're not an ally. Youre not for racial justice or equality or any of that. Youre for yourself and your comfort.

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Meta, racism, thread 

I was gonna let this go, but fuck it.
My work brings me into contact with POC every single day. That is why this shit is so frustrating and maddening to me. Because there is absolutely no reason to be giving a WW the benefit of the doubt over 2 whole instances full of POC who are telling you over and over their lived experience. Yall wanna be "believe women" and BLM, but only when it doesnt make you uncomfortable

"I think PV and Cryptids are evangelical instances that queer bash"



Cryptids. C R Y P T I D S.

And that they're queer bashing......

This is some top tier bullshit. And it's my fave.

The answer is neither.

You don't want us to screenshot dunk.

You don't want us to have the screens.

You don't want us to be able to prove shit.

Because you want to be able to squash us by either appealing to morals (because they are screenshot dunking me) or logcikkkkk (because they have no proof)

You want us to shut up and accept being insulted and dunked on.

And the answer for you is that you need to shut the fuck up

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People wonder why the POC instances have entire troves of screenshots

And also go off about how rude it is to screenshot dunk.

But then demand 10 pages of evidence in size 12 times new roman font with 15 peer reviewed sources in order for us to be heard.

Which one do y'all mfs want?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!