Now I have to find a video game to talk about. Life is strange, Max.

People who are sexyhot for a living are saying I'm hot too. I didn't have this on my "Pleasant Surprise" bingo card, but I'm taking the chip nonetheless. I'm honestly blown away by the fan mail.

At this rate, I've a feeling they're gonna love the music once it's out.

Sex Work, part 2 

Like, this is about as salacious I've been, (unless you're my partner). And then there's the pics of my playing with my DAW until 3 in the morning, all jacked in, letting that bass shake. And If I just let it ride till it's just right, I;m'a let everyone see.

FR this is as flirty as I ever get.

Sex Work 

There has got to be an "Fanz" site for mostly-modest girls that isn't secretly a religious dating site. I really like showing off how good I look in dresses ... AND THAT'S IT. I want to buy more clothes and show them rather than taking them off. Could something like that happen here?

The (not) fuck do I do if I support sex work 100% and I don't wanna get naked on the internet?

'Till then here's a pix of my partner's dog she's an white/brown/tan Aussie/Heeler mix. Lookit dat smile!

Citizens! *Puts on steel toed boots* I urge you to remain calm at this moment! *loads rubber bullets into launcher* violence is not the answer! *Hangs night stick from belt* We grieve with your community! *Pulls reflective visor down on helmet* Peace is what this moment calls for *climbs into tank* The great MLK Jr said and I quote: I love police, and they are our friends! *diesel engine roars* So obey, comply, and remember we are in this together! *Tear gas launcher slowly points towards crowd*

Trans people deserve to be:
- Seen
- Respected
- Loved
- Housed
- Employed
- Protected (by the law and other people)

Trans people don’t deserve to be:
- Mocked
- Ridiculed
- Harassed
- Assaulted
- Killed
- Ignored by liberals and progressives
- Attacked by conservatives

Trans people are:
- Really fucking tired
- Please send pizza

Now in the market for a better iOS mic for an XR. I would have to go to Guitar Center to try one out in person, since even in this college town resources lean toward the commercial.

Today is definitely a good day for speaker testing with vintage Yardbirds.

Still pondering many things. Like getting back out there on stage again. I'm gonna ask for some advice.
That said, having to bow to the presures of Hustle Culture seem a bit daunting. I'm asking for advice.

@rooster most of all it's really patronising. Cis women, please: it's not that we didn't know about misogyny before we transitioned, and it's not that we didn't expect it to apply to us. We're just hoping for a hint of solidarity in dealing with it.

Do you ever have the sinking feeling that you are competing for attention against a tiny, plastic, glowing rectangle in the hands of the person next to you? And you try to be flashier and louder than the distraction on their palms but change your mind because you don't want to interrupt?

Trans rights are human rights, click boost. :transgenderflag:

"To reply to this person, copy and paste the URL into your favorite Mastodon app, or the web client of your Mastodon server"

So what if you've done that and you still can't reply to your friend on a different instance? Are those servers not on speaking terms?

“To the extent that people remain active on Twitter, they preserve the viability of Musk’s gambit. The illusory sense of community that still lingers on the platform is one of Musk’s most significant assets. No matter which side prevails, the true victor in any war is the person selling weapons to both sides.”

Gol-darned alt text *failed*; my apologies. Here's the picture poetry:
Black woman standing in a room
Curly hair, parted to the right
Purple glasses, thin-rimmed, and smirking at the camera
with light red lipstick
wearing a purple shirt and black sweater
(no long jacket, sorry)
Looking into a camera like she’s stoned, probably
rust colored wall to their left, pretty pentagram painting on the wall there
It’s a living room, for crying out loud

Show thread

A Proper : Aging backwards while getting better. A woman transcending gender in the ebb of the Diaspora. Mostly pics of me, my garden, and the sky. Work-safe, although vapor clouds will be present. Will make random references to anime, music, and instruments made in Japan. African-Ojibwe-German-Scot from Potawami land, living in Southern Cascadia. I'm Ayila Jamie Bailey. And I Matter.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!