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autistic stuff 

actually just before i sleep (laying in bed curled in blankets)..... being autistic isn't good. my sleep shorts are almost entirely ruined at this point because i can't stand buying new clothes. i hate how they feel on me. all clothes are bad. and don't even get me started on TAGS on clothes. all my clothes are worn and ragged not because I can't afford new ones but because new ones make me breakdown. So that's........ Nice.

Now time for snnnnzzzzzzzzzz

snnnnzzzzzz goodnight
(thats me ,
sleeping on a rock)

tbh the thing i miss most about is the original landscape. full offence to the Cata era changes but yall ugly

azka boosted

are you simply the gijinka of your own fursona

azka boosted

Close-up magic as a way to radicalize unsuspecting bystanders.

"Now watch as the coin, much like the surplus labour value you create, disappears!"

all my friends : "wait until xpac to come back n join us on wow mate"
me , mindlessly screaming as i buy a month subscription : "BIG BOYS RP"

azka boosted

thanks zenni optical. always wanted to look like a fucking clown ?????

azka boosted

nvm feeling passed. wow still sucks. miss me w/ leveling to 120.

i want to play world of warcraft again .....the new xpac got me hype. but i cant afford runescape membership n wow membership at the same time. (plus like.........all those other subs i got to programs etc nnnnhhhhhh)

azka boosted
azka boosted

@chr sometimes a name just doesnt fit.. like a baby happens and it's like "lets try to sum up the future personality of this yelling poo larva" and like sometimes it works and other times it really doesnt, which is why theres a lot of people who go by nicknames or middle names or ect. It's ok not to like your name.

azka boosted

this is the first gif of a small series for a cat bakery that i'll slowly upload later! 🐱 🍞

#art #mastoart #creativetoot #gif #animation #cats

im awful when people tell me to wait somewhere for them. wtf do I do here alone???? how long until u get here?? this is like leaving your dog somewhere and it just stares at the place you were last at. waiting. expecting.

azka boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!