One of my tractor tires was leaking through the valve stem. I didn't have a core removal tool, and the only places that did were a fair drive away. So I just made one.

These advertisers really want me to open their mail. The die cut extension made to look like a post-it note is a little over the top.

I got a spam email claiming a payment problem with Disney. It had a link that redirected to an AWS site that redirected again. I tried to report it to Amazon, but their form has a box for "Complete email header and body", but then rejects it "We have identified that your submission may contain potentially malicious content." It's a waste of time anyway, as Amazon doesn't care if their money comes from scammers, as long as it keeps coming in.

I went to a Star Trek convention where they misspelled Michael Dorn's character name as "Wolf". Eventually he noticed it and pointed it out, so they changed it to one of his non-Star Trek rôles of I. M. Weasel!

Bodger boosted

I propose: pw;dr to mean “paywall, didn’t read”

If a credit card reader is unable to read a chip, it defaults to reading the mag stripe. But when it sends the transaction to the payment processor, the processor checks the card number and the fact that it has a chip reader, and denies the transaction because it should have been a chip. At this point, the card reader should say "chip read failed" instead of "see cashier".

I'm used to a few vultures showing up when a deer gets hit, but the yard is full of them, as well as more on the fence, shed, and local trees. Probably a few dozen in all.

A bug in Apple Music displays the wrong album artwork for some tracks, and one intrigued me: "Thumper: No one left the Disco alive". So I looked it up. The first track is entitled "Peptide Influences The Folding And Intracellular Transport Of MHC Class 1 Free Heavy Chains" and consists of ten seconds of screaming. The other tracks are some solid punk.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!