playing around with perl
@boots oh no boots is doing perl stuff
@typhlosion actually no it's just a joke obviously it's gibberish and you can't actually run i--
wait, no, it's just perl. that's just how perl is.
@boots @typhlosion bless
@boots yeah you can't hide behind your usual alibis anymore
@boots this is hurting my head
@boots but what does the file have in it
@typhlosion nothing
it's just a touch command
@boots ...pardon?
@boots oh i see, i misunderstood
@typhlosion i think the file would be a lot longer if it did that.
@boots with your code, i'm never sure of anything
@typhlosion okay yeah i did summon a full html webpage including an image and an audio from only a few lines of code, none of which involved html
@boots @typhlosion
~$ touch the/sky.rim
@boots scandalous
@boots wait what the what HECK.
Does... does this count as war crimes against Perl? Torture is a war crime, right?
here's a fun game: try to figure out what this script does before you run it
it prints that weird letter to a file or console right