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my favorite irc client is installing ZNC and using tcpdump to see what people are saying

the best text editor is
data:text/html,<html contenteditable>

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the best text editor is me
i will edit your texts for you

@jk templeos actually doesnt have a shell, its just part of the text editor
you can click anywhere in the terminal and start typing

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you have to write your code using a handwriting recognition IME on an ancient version of wince into Pocket Word

the best text editor is installing a ubuntu vm in a specific way so that /dev/urandom's RNG is manipulated into outputting the correct ASCII character for the first byte it provides, and then trashing the vm and starting all over again until the document is finished

ive used sublime once i think
the "if you click on a file it's bumped to the front which means files you're switching between will be close together" feature is nice
never really felt the urge to get it again

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@bug i don't use some of the features it has but the ones i do use are very nice!

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"I'm training a randomly generated neural net to play tic-tac-toe."
"Why is it randomly generated?"
"So it has no preconceptions of how to play. Why did you close your eyes?"
"So the room will be empty."

"I'm creating a social media site with no agenda..."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!