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@zyabin101 it's basically an esolang that tries to make working with numbers very, very hard

@KitRedgrave most esoteric languages are still easily convertible from brainfk
i want to make one that is not easy to convert from anything

additionally, interpreting a number with 8 or 9 in it as octal causes the variable to be set to 0 immediately

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question: is it possible to increment any *even* starting number by 1 with this
h interprets a number like it's a hexadecimal number (20 => 0x20 => 32)
O interprets a number like it's an octal number (20 => 020 => 16)
s subtracts 1 from even numbers and adds 1 to odd numbers

rest should be explanatory


@davidsgallant 1. why do i believe you when you say this
2. oh my god why is i-jesus christ birdsite

they also have mathmatical italics where every single character is assigned except for lowercase h
uppercase H exists!
you just don't get lowercase h. only character not there

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read bio boosted

dear unicode consortium
why is it that U+1D49C and U+1D49E both exist, but U+1D49D isn't actually a character
like, you just left a hole where that character should be
what the fuck

please go look at the official unicode name for ᾚ

@typhlosion see this is going to lead to programming like
if a
return true
return false

and i'm not sure if that's bad or good

GPL (Government Public License): Sure, you can fork it, you just have to fill out a 4 page form and fax it to us, and we'll fax you the source code within 4 to 9 business days.

@typhlosion have a scripts or tools folder that does stuff with the program

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!