hey yeahhhh it's down to seventy THREE in here, keep up the good work, fans


I mean I'm gonna joke about it but it's actually REALLY good to know that like

I can claw my way front if I need to so Kire can have a meltdown in the safety of our own mind and I can hang out and keep us from suffering more physical stress

this is a Skill that I clearly need to master

aw yeah got a buncha good stuff in wvw today

THREE dailies

woo yeah looped entropy for like the five millionth time

actually I wanna check that

only 38??? I'm Genuinely Surprised

we're gonna get refffff sheeeeeeeeeeeeets i'm so exciiiiiiiiiteddddddddddddd

Kire is more Resigned because he hates drawing from those angles lmao but he gets to go first SO

holy shit it's been less than two weeks since I made this account, it feels like A Lot Longer

we Finally Did The Thing

we started digging out a column of sand that was still holding back the ocean <.<

it went exactly as well as I expected! which is to say, water started pouring in, I went back up the ladder, I closed the gap, the water went away, easy-peasy 😎

anywho gonna play some minecraft until it's time to take the bread out of the oven

thing I discovered last night which is Very Convenient:

if I run out of air while on the ocean floor where I'm working, I can get back to the surface before dying! This means I don't have to watch my air, I can just swim up when I start suffocating! :D

Vidya Gamez ℒ️

lookin' forward to smelting Three Thousand Stacks of Sand into Glass, eventually

i'm also trying to decide how tall I want the dome to be

currently I've got 28 blocks to play with, which is I think more than enough? prolly gonna make the dome, like, 15 tall? could always dig it down further too once I can see what's goin on and stuff

Cal boosted

About to get off for the night so here's the latest update.

FYI, the pit is 28 blocks deep.

I wanna play more miiiiiiiiiiiinecraaaaaaaaaft

...although if I'm gonna do the central pillar thing I might's well just do A Ladder, y'know

I got plenty of wood, I can farm trees on my little island for Ever

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It's gotten far enough I need a better way of climbing down and digging sand back up than just ramping the stacks of sand, lol

I'm thinking a spiral dirt stair around the central pillar and just being Really Careful not to fall off the walls?

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aaa forgot to take a screenshot update before I got of!! oh wellll

Currently it's about a seven-block-in-diameter almost-complete ring, with the lowest dug-down depth I can still climb back up out from currently being 50

(The ocean floor where I'm building is at 35, I swam down to double-check)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!