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RT On October 25, 1785, Toypurina, a Tongva medicine woman, led 6 villages in a revolt against Spanish missionaries at Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, who she said were “trespassing upon the land of my forefathers and despoiling our tribal domains.” She led them unafraid, & unarmed.

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RT If you're wondering why the right cries "false flag" so often, it's because they're constantly pulling these sorts of stunts, and presume that if they do it, so do their opponents.

Pictured: Trump supporter car being "vandalised" in a black neighborhood, vandals are paid actors.

@RawPecans I'm not so sure about that. Most of the mils I know of who aren't ready to have kids have decided not to, and the ones who did decide to have kids are doing a better job of it than their parents did.


re: mastoadmin 

@trashyfins :undertale: I'm glad you got that figured out.

@RawPecans Because if a child needs to be leashed, they have no business being in public in the first place and their parents are doing a terrible job looking after them and teaching them how to act around other people.

re: mastoadmin 

@trashyfins Possibly relevant would be changing "header add" to "header set", and define the whole header instead of appending an HSTS header to a response that might already include one.


@trashyfins Woops. I tested the wrong instance name. I see it.

nginx will send its own HSTS header even if the application is configured to send its own, and that's expected behavior, apparently.



There's a known issue with Nginx where the HSTS header can be sent multiple times, but when I run the SSL Labs test, I'm not seeing that error pop up. Where are you seeing it?

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Outstanding post by someone who began HRT in 1988, when they were about to turn 50, noting what effects they've noticed, and the regimen changes over the years:

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Churusaa boosted

Financially Struggling, Asking for Help 

God the hits just keep coming. Turns out, my financial aid appeal only counted for *next* term, not the term that just ended.

So now my name change is finalized, I'm not going to get back paid for last term, and I've also got to come up with $1,087.20 in order to be able to register for next term, which starts on Monday, so it'd be hell to register now even if I had the money.

On top of that, I dunno where rent is coming from this month, and we're trying to get rid of a bad roommate, which is always expensive.

If anybody can help, I'd appreciate it.

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HRT, wait lists 

I finally have appointments for gender affirming hormone therapy... for November and February ;-;

If anyone ever says anything to me again about waiting lists in the UK or Canada, I'm going to slap them. These appointments are happening in the US with private insurance and a private provider. :blobugh:

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I took this photo last spring. The field was half frozen, it was quite surreal.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!