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Very Important, but: death, fascism 

Yesterday a man put himself in a position to be murdered by cops.

Here's (allegedly) his own words why. You must read this. It will hurt, regardless of your background and beliefs. The author of this text is dead now, because he chose to die, for the reasons here.

Churusaa boosted

@centralavenue Construction on 270 has been absolute chaos this year.

No special lane closures, no accident, just a traveling wave probably from somebody changing lanes improperly, and it made my drive to work go from 20 minutes to over an hour. ;-;

@centralavenue I'm an IT nerd, but I'm pretty much obsessed with transportation and civil engineering. Most of the channels I follow on YT are about some kind of infrastructure. Right now I'm on a years-long trains kick. I'm pretty sure I'll switch back to surface roads and traffic management soon. ^_^

I think what I love is how a lot of the time they're disciplines that when done right, most people stop noticing the result.

@centralavenue I don't know whether I feel more like laughing or crying, but it's such a relief to know that I'm not alone in noticing all this.

@centralavenue Or how maps kept (keeps?) trying to route people from 315 S near Mt. Carmel directly onto Broad street despite the GIANT SIGN saying that's not allowed.

The streets in this city give me heartburn, and they explain almost everything about the way people drive around here.

@centralavenue Gaaaaawwwwddddd yes. If I had a dollar for every time my phone told me to execute a U turn somewhere other than a place where U-turns are allowed, I'd have several dollars.

@centralavenue There's a freeway exit near my house that nav apps always tell people to use to get to a southbound street, but if you use that exit, you have to cross, like, three lanes of traffic going 50 mph in under 200 feet.

@centralavenue 100% I thought it was just a problem with me not paying attention. There are so many places where I end up being forced into a turn-only lane that I don't find out is actually a turn lane until my only options are turn where I didn't want to or be the jerk trying to push back into traffic through a line of stopped cars.

I defeated Manhandla in Legend of Zelda, Oracle of Seasons after many tries, then accidentally pressed ESC and crashed the emulator before I could save my progress. 🤦‍♀️

To soothe my rage, I loaded the game back up with invincibility cheats turned on and proceeded to go to town on him.

I really thought I was going to break down and cry. That boss is so hard it's not even cute.

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Sometimes praxis is burning down a police station, sometimes it's the bus driver letting someone on without a fare. We all have our part.

They look cute af, but I think probably I'm never doing this ever again.

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Got gel nails for the first time in my life the other day, and not being able to get a good flesh-rending scratch-on is almost as infuriating as how hard they make it to type.

@jackofallEves This is literally how I got my follows the way I like them on the birdsite.

Churusaa boosted

top tip: if you want to follow good people then a good way to find them is by making a funny post that explicitly states one of your strongly held beliefs or favourite subjects, everyone who likes it probably has good taste

Churusaa boosted

you don't hate Mondays, you hate capitalism
you don't hate commercials, you hate capitalism
you don't hate your shoddy internet service provider, you hate capitalism
you don't hate shopping, you hate capitalism
you don't hate your job, you hate capitalism
you don't hate standardized learning, you hate capitalism

Churusaa boosted
Churusaa boosted


If it's cruel, don't call it insanity, call it cruelty.
If it's evil, don't call it crazy, call it evil.

Folks with mental illnesses are often targets of cruelty and evil, so it's awful to see the misuse of the word "crazy."

Your words show who you consider expendable.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!