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I'm aware of the new influx of accounts and it seems we are now the target of spam accounts!

Signups are closed and I'm working hard to suspend all spam accounts!

I think I've suspended them all before even a single one could send a DM! :blobcathighfive:

It was the same AI Doge crypto spam attack but they all used the same email so for all servers admins with OPEN signups..

Block the following email ASAP:


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Generation 5 is literally the only generation to not have gotten a remake (there's also gen 7 but personally I think gen 5 is better);

Elon Musk went from being the Henry Ford of our generation (admired carmaker, brilliant salesman) to being the Henry Ford of our generation (conspiracy theorist, Nazi-enabler)

#Elon #elonmusk #hatespeech #twitter #birdsite

Huh! So #Pepsi couldn’t complete with #CocaCola back in 1971 so it was cheaper to buy Pizza Hut, Taco Bell & KFC so they could exclusively sell Pepsi there

And to save money combine it again, removing locations, lobbying with the states and gov to keep wages low so they don’t have to pay out for that

Holy shit, what a SHIT company

They aren’t satisfied with banning books in deeply red Missouri. Now they’re looking to shut down entire libraries across the state.

I'm hoping this is just the beginning.

"The Public Broadcasting Service has followed National Public Radio in quitting Twitter after the social media network labeled both organizations as government-backed media."

#twitter #pbs #npr #news

No. No no no no no no no. This is the worst idea I've ever seen in my life.

"church owned"
"public access" (so not public)

And let me guess, the books on science and anatomy will be in private men's only club libraries?

Why do these people want to live in the 1890s??

As long as the code behind "smart" home devices is proprietary, these companies are free to spy on us as much as they like. Help us fight back: tell your friends about free software and urge then to join the FSF! Support #FreeSoftware.

I'm starting to think we've reached the point where developers need to obtain a license to practice before they are allowed to inflict their apps on humanity.

Come to think of it, there are lots of classes of professional that are candidates for a license to practice.

They can do far more damage at greater scale than a therapist or a doctor, so tell me why I'm wrong here.

Super depressing read on the r/freelanceWriters subreddit:

"I literally lost my biggest and best client to ChatGPT today. This client is my main source of income, he’s a marketer who outsources the majority of his copy and content writing to me. Today he emailed saying that although he knows AI’s work isn’t nearly as good as mine, he can’t ignore the profit margin. [...] Please do not think you are immune to this unless you are the top 1% of writers."

People having abortions won’t affect your life. Gay people getting married won’t affect your life. Trans people existing won’t affect your life. But people owning AR-15s sure as fuck will.

pls remember to drink a water! i have heard that water is very important for people with real life bodies, mew

@WatchingTVnFilm @rbreich
"Republicans" here in the US don't, in any way, stand for the values of the republic -- or any republic.

"Republicans" here have taken increasingly despotic positions and pushed authoritarian policies that are distinctly and unequivocally fascist.

It's a long-strategy power grab, embedded deeply from the grass-roots level up. The aim is to end the US as a republic and demolish all democratic institutions.

Any experienced programmer worth their salt will tell you that •producing• code — learning syntax, finding examples, combining them, adding behaviors, adding complexity — is the •easy• part of programming.

The hard part: “How can it break? How will it surprise us? How will it change? Does it •really• accomplish our goal? What •is• our goal? Are we all even imagining the same goal? Do we understand each other? Will the next person to work on this understand it? Should we even build this?”

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Call me a radical Lefty, but I don’t think billionaires should be allowed to shower lawmakers or judges with free trips.

This will ruffle some feathers but…

Most “Steam Deck Best Settings” videos are done by people who’ve hardly played the games, and their settings fall apart in later sections of most games they cover.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!