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I think the world would be a better place if all people made the effort of figuring out how to argue against their own opinion about anything of importance. Understanding the opposite view deeply so to be able to communicate better with people we disagree with, and have basic respect to them even if we deeply disagree

Stop blaming strikes for economic damage. Strikes are a logical response to overreach and greed from corporations and the wealthy. If there is resulting economic damage, look to those who drove the workers to strike in the first instance.

I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.

She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 13 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle so hard to comprehend large numbers.

Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.

The best part about posting a succinct post on Mastodon is having total strangers reply to explain it back to you using way more words because you obviously didn’t understand the thing you said.

If I can give one piece of life advice:

Whenever someone geeks about something in front of you, or admits an 'embarrassing' interest, just say:

"That sounds AMAZING. I don't know anything about that. Tell me about it."

Then just listen.

Not once in my life have I regretted it.

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I've been messing about with the Lemmy 🔁 Mastodon interop today and it has BLOWN MY MIND. 🤯

This excellent post from @vjprema explains how to use #Lemmy from your #Mastodon account. Amazing.

As @evan says, don't bet against the #fediverse.

This thing is 🔥.

"um, Dr Schrodinger? I opened the box and, well... we may have a problem" - @enniscath :twitter:

Did you know.. 

You are loved and respected! ❤️ :cathug:

EIon Musk’s Wealth
2009: $.6B
2023: $249B

Jeff Bezos’s Wealth
2009: $6B
2023: $153B

Mark Zuckerberg’s Wealth
2009: $.6B
2023: $105B

Federal Minimum Wage
2009: $7.25
2023: $7.25

Billionaire tax rate: 8.2%
Worker tax rate: 13%

Pay workers.
Tax Billionaires.
Save our economy.

uh were any of you people who signed up to #threads actually paying attention to the onboarding flow?

This is how your lie when you do marketing. Here ASUS made it look like the Steam Deck was barely more powerful than the Switch, by making 0.39 tflops almost equal to 1.6 by not respecting the scale. That's the oldest trick in the book, and that's very low.
#asus #rogally #graph #lie

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!