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cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

If you have #dyslexia , do alternative fonts in apps help with the reading experience?

If yes, are Atkinson Hyperlegible or OpenDyslexic useful fonts to use with #Tusky? Are there others (that are freely redistributable).

The attached screenshots show what this would look like.

Please boost for reach.

cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

From #CTAN:

Cédric Pierquet submitted the wordle package.

Version: 0.1.0 2023-07-12
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Create wordle grids

#TeXLaTeX #Wordle

cheqampi boosted es una comunidad informática de habla hispana, abierta e independiente. Esta máquina de acceso seguro muy pequeña hospeda medios telemáticos de aprendizaje recreativo, cooperativo, minimalistas y no comerciales.

Usando la línea de comandos y recursos comunitarios humildes, podrás dar rienda suelta a potentes aplicaciones orientados al texto.

Es la primer tilde en castellano y forma parte del Tildeverso ( 💻

#textoplano #unix #retrocomputación #computacion #ssh

cheqampi boosted

the LXQT custom command widget + some shell scripts = "keystrokes per active window" bar.

Now I'll get that nano feel everywhere.

cheqampi boosted

Today I heard SQL pronounced as “squeal” and my life will never be the same.

My squeal.



The opportunities are endless.

No names in the checkout history... I love yanking rectangles in emacs. /lh

Sometimes I click on some random thing on the internet. Then the big hard drive starts to make noise like a Geiger counter near a hot source.

How many roentgens will I receive today while visiting the web?-

cheqampi boosted

If you're one of the 17 people who hate the xconsole, why?

Do you know you can pipe any output to it? It is there so you don't need a taskbar/systray.

$ echo 'hi' >/dev/console

Imagine the possibilities...

#openbsd (#uxn catclock.rom)

cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

When I started this venture, all I wanted was an ISS Tracker on my #RC2014. #fujinet

backports means software that's been "ported" to an older distro. I'm gonna keep the picture of a shady alley near the docks of merchant ships. Where you can adquire the packages that work on your system.

cheqampi boosted

Noctis was - at one point - the Italian No Man' Sky. In less than 5 MB it allowed users to explore a whole galaxy. It was developed by a programmer who has since isolated himself and who described Noctis as "telling my dreams to the computer".
I interviewed the developer and reconstructed the history of the title for Time Extension

The time when you could have your entire distro inside a single physical drive, comfortably, is over for me.

I tried for so many years to use a vertical screen... I just placed it horizontally... Not only that, but I feel like I'm home again.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!