The Tamagotchi Tama-town used a SunPlus/GeneralPlus GPLB5BX microprocessor, which is basically a 6502 plus some timers, an LCD controller, an SPI port, bunch of GPIO, RAM & ROM.
Natalie Silvanovich has done incredible work on reverse engineering the internals of the Tama-town:
When I was a small kid in school, There were classes held at the computer lab. sometimes they made us do some activities involving point-and-click games, about the topic of the day. These games were made on a program called JClic. fast-forward today and I can install JClic from flathub. I've been giggling at the game's SFX for the past hour. This software has been mantained for all these years and I found out it was always open-source.
Hi! I've, uh, created a Game Boy emulator for the PC-Engine CD / SuperGrafx! Named Hu-Boy, here is a link for more info:
And for fun, I've made a joke 90s-style magazine ad for my emulator :-D
From #CTAN:
Cédric Pierquet submitted the wordle package.
Version: 0.1.0 2023-07-12
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Create wordle grids es una comunidad informática de habla hispana, abierta e independiente. Esta máquina de acceso seguro muy pequeña hospeda medios telemáticos de aprendizaje recreativo, cooperativo, minimalistas y no comerciales.
Usando la línea de comandos y recursos comunitarios humildes, podrás dar rienda suelta a potentes aplicaciones orientados al texto.
Es la primer tilde en castellano y forma parte del Tildeverso ( 💻
linux moment
keep it down, you can be heard from across the cybercafé. linux can Be So Daunting. too schizoid to have an opinion. too autistic to process everything. Everytime I fall victim to cryptomnesia, I just wing it. /nbh favorite film: Kill the Messenger (2014)