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cheqampi boosted

the inconvenience of wanting to SSH into my server from my basement computer. But It uses SSH keys and the only key is stored on my laptop which is upstairs

cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

The Tamagotchi Tama-town used a SunPlus/GeneralPlus GPLB5BX microprocessor, which is basically a 6502 plus some timers, an LCD controller, an SPI port, bunch of GPIO, RAM & ROM.

Natalie Silvanovich has done incredible work on reverse engineering the internals of the Tama-town:


When I was a small kid in school, There were classes held at the computer lab. sometimes they made us do some activities involving point-and-click games, about the topic of the day. These games were made on a program called JClic. fast-forward today and I can install JClic from flathub. I've been giggling at the game's SFX for the past hour. This software has been mantained for all these years and I found out it was always open-source. :bunhdhappy:

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cheqampi boosted

Hi! I've, uh, created a Game Boy emulator for the PC-Engine CD / SuperGrafx! Named Hu-Boy, here is a link for more info:
And for fun, I've made a joke 90s-style magazine ad for my emulator :-D

cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

Having faulty ram triggers anti-cheat systems. You can map [the faulty chunks] them out on most OSs. gooD NIGHT!.

cheqampi boosted
if it wasn't for wine and proton, i wouldn't be using linux for like 4 years at this point
cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

If you have #dyslexia , do alternative fonts in apps help with the reading experience?

If yes, are Atkinson Hyperlegible or OpenDyslexic useful fonts to use with #Tusky? Are there others (that are freely redistributable).

The attached screenshots show what this would look like.

Please boost for reach.

cheqampi boosted
cheqampi boosted

From #CTAN:

Cédric Pierquet submitted the wordle package.

Version: 0.1.0 2023-07-12
License: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Create wordle grids

#TeXLaTeX #Wordle

cheqampi boosted es una comunidad informática de habla hispana, abierta e independiente. Esta máquina de acceso seguro muy pequeña hospeda medios telemáticos de aprendizaje recreativo, cooperativo, minimalistas y no comerciales.

Usando la línea de comandos y recursos comunitarios humildes, podrás dar rienda suelta a potentes aplicaciones orientados al texto.

Es la primer tilde en castellano y forma parte del Tildeverso ( 💻

#textoplano #unix #retrocomputación #computacion #ssh

cheqampi boosted

the LXQT custom command widget + some shell scripts = "keystrokes per active window" bar.

Now I'll get that nano feel everywhere.

cheqampi boosted

Today I heard SQL pronounced as “squeal” and my life will never be the same.

My squeal.



The opportunities are endless.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!