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cheqampi boosted

cursed fact: Adobe Podcast's "Enhance AI", a tool for noise removal and voice boosting, firmly believes that any audio you give it *must* have human speech.

If you upload, say, vocal-free chiptunes playing on a Game Boy, it will *find* the speech.

That Blue-colored audio port on the back of some PCs. It's called Line-in. It's for an aux cable. I'm using an old portable cassette tape player to listen to radio stations on my PCs speakers. :abunhdhop:

All I want is to grab a bunch of electronics, salvage anything, and make cool gadgets. I'd just buy them off some online store, I've done it before. Yet, A gadget made by you. it's simply:abunhdhappyhop:

New hobby goal: rekindle my interest in file conversion.

If you get banned on any social site with the AGPL license. The ban message should include a link to the site's sourcecode. :bunhdknife:

With the power of AI people can now team up, provide samples of their attempts on how a character's voice should sound like. Train the AI, and make a tool for content creation. :blobcatknife:

As I was repurposing and old PC's power suppy to power my Rpi and some other devices. I thought what if this thing can revive my old kindle. I got the little tabled out of its box, plugged it and left it there for about 2 hours.
Same result as always, battery seems to get fully charged and no response. This time, I removed the backplate, disconnected the battery and connected it back.
Ten years ago my kindle 4 got bricked for no apparent reason. Now I'm getting it jb :abunhdhappyhop:

cheqampi boosted

Step 1: Grab all of MLP:FIM
Step 2: Convert it to that DPG video codec
Step 3: Load it to an SD card
Step 4: Put said SD card into a DSi with TwilightMenu++
Step 5: /)

cheqampi boosted

Oh boy, it's that 90s edgy internet humor aka antisemitism. A 1998 warez release of a 1993 DOS game accompanied by this nfo:
(I'm sure a bunch of teenagers who did this thought it was hilarious.)

cheqampi boosted

vidtex - ncurses videotex/viewdata client

Neat piece of software.

The only thing that makes me wish pups didn't grow up is when you hold then and their body's muscle tone suddently drops. The rush of emotions I get. :abunhdcry:

I always wondered why anti-aliasing is such a big deal. then I realised my astigmatism wouldn't let me see the problem.

I really wanna do more stuff with the chroot in my kindle. but I think I got enough features as it is. Relaying on my Rpi to do the package management and compilation is what keeps me from diving into the depths of the cross-compilation abyss. As the kindle runs an X server, this sparks a bit of curiosity.

cheqampi boosted

Any old or obsolete computer should be repurposed as a dumb terminal.

cheqampi boosted

f(x,y) = ((((x ^ 11) + (x | y)) - (-(~x))) & (((2 & y) ^ (x % 16)) | ((~y) / (y / y)))) % 12

Extent: 256x256 (scaled x2)

"Onebit" colouring scheme.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!