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I grew up with television among other things. My early memories are filled with public TV, then cable TV throughout most of my childhood.

Now as The Internet holds most of my attention day by day, I still find myself looking at TV channels over IPTV from time to time :abunhdhappy:

Ok AI. How to trigger endorphin production without being a creep. :bunhdthinking: :bunhdthink:

Me, 7 year old. downloads cool software from sourceforge :abunhdowohop:

Me, 27 year old. downloads cool software from sourceforge :abunhdhappyhop:

My endorphins are being held for ransom?
/nsrs :bunhdthinking: :bunhdthink:

cheqampi boosted
just found out about and all piracy sites should be like this
cheqampi boosted

click :bunhdidle:
click :bunhdidle:
click click click
"oooh, someone is requesting files" :abunhd:
click :bunhdidle:
click :bunhdidle:

Having a low-"Theory of Mind" might explain why my first reaction to someone having the same idea as me is fright. I'm autistic, no doubt on that. :bunhdcomfyidle:

I do something on one screen, and something else pops up on another screen. It's that simple. :bunhdlurkaww:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!