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cheqampi boosted

special love to the people online who for some reason are finding buffer overflow exploits for scientific calculators

I like beans 🫘🫛 I want to eat them everyday :abunhdhappy:

Every time something opens your eyes to a new world, ask for a receipt :bunhdaww: :bunhdpeek:

cw: sad, reflecting 

let go of the past? the past won't leave me :abunhdcry:

gotta find me a terminal font with taller single quotes so it's easier to tell them apart from double quotes :abunhd: :abunhd: :abunhd:

so my 11-year keyboard died and I got a new one, it's a mechanical keyboard, I must say I'm enjoying it so far. :abunhdhappyhop:

My frankenDE gets bigger by the day, first KDEconnect, then GNOME clocks. :bunhdsmug: :bunhdowo:

KDE connect allows me to use my phone as both a mouse and a keyboard :abunhdhappy:

I have neglected too many parasocial relationships :abunhdsadpat:

cheqampi boosted

Anything weird or weirdness in general is comforting to me. This has led me to believe I'm somehow on some strange path. :bunhdlurk:

cheqampi boosted

Ah yes, a cup of green tea and day 105 in Cult of the Lamb :abunhd:

so I've been playing Cult of the Lamb, I'm having fun. :abunhdhappy:

The sequence {82..1} read as a single number is a prime :bunhdaww: :bunhdlurkaww:

If you did flipnote studio animations back in the day, you should consider making a game for the playdate :abunhd:

Ok AI, Is there something you need me to assist you with? :bunhdthinking: :bunhdthink:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!