Isn't it omnious how parts of yourself seem to get stored on anything external, then as time goes by those same things can get you back to your old self? :abunhdhappy: like a double edged sword? :abunhdcry:

I wish for a feed or timeline filled with a complement set of my topics of interest :abunhd:

  • Are they pretending to be me? :bunhdangry:
  • No dude, they're bnuuy too :bunhdidle:

Adding new food textures to my list of edible foods is growth :abunhdcry:

I like having nightmares, they mean I went through REM sleep :bunhdcomfysleep:

As a young creature, I related to Gen-Y culture. Now with more earth experience, I relate to Gen-Z culture. You could explain this by being someone born on the boundary between generations. :bunhdthinking: :bunhdgrumpy:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!