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"Glad I'm smart enough not to own a Google Wiretap™" I type on my Google Deluxe Pocket Wiretap™ before plugging it into its charging dock with the camera facing me.

All those normal people in the world fear because they know that their normalcy rests on their being like a formless block. Their existence must drive them mad as they deny their potential again and again.

They fear that should the surface break it’d reveal the individual form underneath– that internal essence they had always tried to hide:

Their fursona.

ironic jokes at the expense of shitty transphobic tanks, Selfie with strong eye contact 

Uphold Lifestylist-Adventurist-Autogynophilist Thot

I added my investigative report on the fascistic influences in Breitbart's rise to Peertube on the Queertube instance!

I wrote some nice stuff on gender for Plume as well:

It outlines four of the predominant gender theories out there in a very introductory way.

Biological determinist gender essentialism is the reification of sex-gender which allows for the naturalization of gender roles. It is the goal of this ideological system to force women to swallow the logic of their own oppression.

TERF thought is just wrapping this bitter patriarchal pill in a feminism-flavored treat to encourage cooperation.

If you’re queer and can’t afford a gun get the biggest legal knife and strap it to your belt. Get comfortable with using it, but also just seeing that will make most phobes leave you alone.

Armed queers don’t get bashed.

I already mourn enough that even if I was long dead and forgotten the remorse would still fill my bones like marrow.

I engaged in academia and all I got was this profound sense of alienation.

The gamer gate has been overrun and at the front is none other than SonicFox– mocking conservative gamers in his fursuit.

We did it. Video games are gay now.

Modernist: “Humans are inherently rational 👍”

Also Modernist: *has to invent rules of rational thought and spend 12+ years teaching them to every human*

My love, my love, my love...
She teach me worm.
She teach me worm.

trans stuff, HRT question I was worried as an AMAB agender person (previously identifying as "neutrois") that transitioning would make me too feminine but actually the hormone regime that most AMAB trans women go through has more or less let me put on an extremely gender ambiguous performance which I'm pretty satisfied with.

Planned Parenthood is very non-binary inclusive and has worked very nicely with me to help

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!