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🥥 When you #EatTheRich what do you prefer as a side dish?
I'll start:
Yacht collectors
Right-leaning politicians
The #NRA
MAGA followers
Libertarians 🥥

As an adoptee I want to celebrate the Supreme Court upholding the ICWA in Brackeen v. Haaland.

There is a great 3 minute video summary of the case here:

And a quick twitter thread here:

The case has for reaching consequences but starts with an important facet of adoption and how it is used to destroy communities and particularly communities of color. Luckily this one avenue is still closed off thanks to today’s ruling.

#SCOTUS #adoptee #ICWA

The democrats should propose a bill that nobody convicted of a felony can run for president and watch the GOP squirm as to why a felon should be unable to vote but eligible to run for president.

Artwork is not behavior. Allow cameras in the courtroom.
If you can't get anatomy accurate, you're sure AF not going to describe accurate Body Language:

Trump has:

• No chin cleft

• Doesn't have a bifid nose tip

• His nose isn't upturned

• Shorter ears + placed higher on his head

• No defined cheek bones

• A plumper face

• Trump's 25 years older

• Trump's hair is much thinner


@TonyStark So Republicans are okay with kids getting married at age 12, working overnight at a meat packing plant at age 14, forcing a kid to give birth at 10, but the kids need to wait until they are out of high school (at least) to read a book about it? There can't be a person with decency left in that party. Good for Illinois. I hope more states follow.

@TonyStark Republicans are only the party of limited government when it comes to lower taxes for billionaires and freedom for corporations to pollute our air and water. #ElectDemocrats

The very worst possibility of Trump's betrayal of America:

In Oct 2021, CIA Counterintel warned that an unusually high number of US spies were being killed, captured, or compromised.

In Jan 2021, Trump stole documents on these kind of informants - and may have shared them.

I won’t link because this comes via, of all places, Fox…but I saw the headline and had to share:

“More than 35 law enforcement officials announced Tuesday their endorsement of Democratic #Kentucky Gov. Andy #Beshear over Republican state Attorney General Daniel Cameron, joining multiple major coal operators endorsing a candidate of the party not traditionally in tune with them on policy.”

We paid for our Social Security and Medicare every week we were employed.

Texas is trying interfere with how their largest blue county runs elections.

This isn’t an isolated incident.

The @gop are systematically chipping away at our democracy to insert their control:

-TN is trying to slash Nashville’s city council in half
-FL hired a police squad to scare voters
-GA is threatening the discretion of Dem DAs
-MS is creating an unelected court system
-OH is making it harder to pass ballot measures

The power of your voice and access to the ballot box is being stripped away. We cannot ignore it.

@danwentzel @MariaHill
There's lots more evidence, from Turn PA Blue's 6 year & counting effort to flip the PA legislature to WisDems grassroots work in Wisconsin to New Georgia Project & Fair Fight along with other grassroots groups in Georgia.

Join Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand on June 2-4, 2023 for #WearOrange Weekend events nationwide when we will honor victims and survivors of gun violence and spread awareness about this senseless and preventable crisis.

We honor the communities shattered by gun violence and the 120 people who are shot and killed, and hundreds more who are wounded, every day in the United States. Together, we call for meaningful action to save lives.

Find an event in your area:

Super honored to be invited to the Governor’s Residence for a reception tonight

Thank you to our beloved Governor @joshshapiropa 🇺🇸

Decoration Day, now known as Memorial Day, has roots in a tradition established by Black-Americans in the aftermath of the Civil War. On May 1, 1865, the formerly enslaved, with profound gratitude for Union soldiers who fought and died for their emancipation, began commemorating that sacrifice by decorating Union graves. This remembrance and gratitude eventually gained support from communities across America.

#BlackMastodon #Histodons #History #MemorialDay


Agreed. I donated a bunch to his last campaign and was disappointed that more folks didn't get him enough votes to win, but here he is again, and I will donate to him many times over the months to come. Carry on.

We live in the dumbest timeline.

The people who won't get a vaccine because they think it contains digital trackers are cheering Elon Musk's brain implant.

The people who think we need government out of people's lives want government telling us what to read.

The folks who think every life is sacred before birth refuse to do anything about an epidemic of school shootings.

People who hate anything anti-American want pardons for the Jan6 insurrectionists who attacked the US Capitol.


Do No Harm got its start in early 2022 by focusing its criticisms of diversity initiatives in medicine before branching out to transgender health. And despite a nonprofit tax status that limited its involvement in legislation, it created an initiative to restrict gender-affirming care for youths, offered a model bill that an AP analysis by Jeff McMillan and Kimberlee Kruesi found has been used in at least three states, and has sent people to testify in statehouses.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!