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She climbs into bed,
She pulls the covers overhead,
And she turns her little radio on.

She's had a rotten day,
So she hopes the DJ
Is gonna play
Her favorite song.

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Listen to a podcast about something that interests you that you haven’t yet explored.

concept: this, but inside there’s a pi running dolphin and an hdmi out. ultimate melee box

Heya, It's been a while. I'm really busy with school right now. And I found out I'm

When privacy is not the default, it becomes the exception rather than the rule. You shouldn’t have to opt-in to privacy by opting out of tracking.

All songs are written
by Dolly Parton, except
where indicated

@stevelord Hey, just wanted to let you know I’ve really been enjoying your recent Dork Web posts. Also maybe you can check out the Tildeverse, which is a pretty interesting set of websites/Unix-servers, and other stuff, and they have their own server mastodon also :)

*looks around, sees the mods aren't watching* 

WINE is an amulator!

*runs away, cackling*

Just got a 64 gb usb stick, gonna pop a Debian install onto it so I have a portable Linux install :3

Too freaking cute :3
This is too cute, I’m dying...

Also my crossdressing account got because I didn’t follow anyone or tweet and left it rotting for like 2 months. Now twitter thinks it’s a spam acc and my phone won’t verify.

Mastodon FTW! 🍍

Watching Natt on YT at 4AM because I can’t sleep.

And MY GOSH (s)he looks cuuute :3

Thank you to EFF's members for helping to stop the sale of the .ORG registry! It's an amazing win for the world's nonprofits and the millions of people they serve.

You can support this important work today

Swedish has such powerful bird names like "lord of judgement" and "nut screamer"

Clean #OperatingSystem install for:

#Linux users:
- How can I get this programme installed/working?
- Where can I find a driver for this piece of hardware?

#Windows users:
- How can I get this programme uninstalled?
- Where can I find a recent driver for this hardware without the bloatware?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!