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Guy who has only played Alan Wake: Getting a lot of 'Alan Wake' vibes from this state…


California cryptid takes picture in front of nerd shit

Tough choices Apple Maps
On one hand, I can get home fairly quick
ON THE OTHER HAND, I can drive through two extra states to get to California


Just had a hot dog with a smear of cream cheese and it was good

God bless you Seattle, time for one of my favorite things after such a miserable experience


Hot fuck I got chicken and waffles for late lunch/early dinner at Fat’s and it may have been the best chicken and waffles I’ve ever had

re: Alcohol 

Also right njmsber 3 I can’t really focus my eye was they just kinda moeeep I rating when I stop moving them oaks extremely down for tkdnithhrt Giana asleep very much sleep

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!