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It doesn’t have an airport card so I can’t get online yet but I’ll be able to on Saturday

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Can’t wait to use the tips in this book and become super rich and successful like any other person in the 80s

video game hot take 

Maybe Bomb Rush Cyberfunk will be a fun game to play, though I guess if it’s enjoyable to play hardcore jsr fans would probably hate it


Caesar salads are literally the best type of salad don’t @ me

QAnon, Twitter, Potential positive 

Also like, I’ve seen people on Twitter say things like “Well now they’ll be MORE convinced there is a conspiracy” like what??????
It’s not like they were questioning it the people into qanon were already hella into it it’s not like letting them post their shit on Twitter made them stop and think “what, this is silly” they’re already waist deep in conspiracy, they don’t really seem like the type of people to be “won over” with facts

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CA, pg&e fires 

Are there any other states that just kinda “put up” with a company and let them constantly catch areas on fire instead of upgrade infrastructure?
Like every year pge is just like “oopsie there’s a fire again because we don’t update any of our equipment. The ONLY thing we can do is shut off power instead oh well”

QAnon, Twitter, Potential positive 

Gonna have to wait to see how this turns out but fucking FINALLY hopefully this will be some meaningful stuff happening

So since it seems Raidou is replacing Dante in SMT3 HD is there gonna be a huge circle that says “Featuring Raidou from the Devil Summoner series”

I’m my mouse and keyboard should be here on Thursday
That should give me some time to tidy up the bedroom and find a spot for that iMac up here

Seattle ACAB, music 

Left at London released a new song about how fucked up Jenny Durkan’s response to all the stuff that happened in Seattle and how Jenny fucking sucks

I still don’t have the mouse and keyboard though lmao

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!