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COVID-19, fuck you USA 

Tired: Vietnam, Taiwan, and New Zealand going 100 days without a new COVID case

Wired: an estimated 250,000 bikers going to a single US city for a 10 day motorcycle rally

This thing is intricate and detailed as hell and I absolutely love it
I grew up with an NES and building LEGO sets and this is just so amazing

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I think I might leave the game cart blank
Haunted creepypasta LEGO NES

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LEGO NES Easter egg 

Also, it has the awesome little Easter egg hiding on the side

There used to be a blank white billboard on the way to Monterey that just had a tag that said “horsetooth” and it was one of my favorite things to see while driving

It was time to descale my electric kettle and now my whole fucking house smells faintly of vinegar this suuuuuuuuucks but at least there’s no more buildup in my kettle 🙃

I’m slowly starting to see some avatars here and there
Computer Fairies is healing ☺️

Also this was actually fairly quick in downloading some albums I’d bought on bandcamp I’m impressed
Like I have pretty decent WiFi but I’m impressed the AirPort Extreme was able to take advantage of some of that speed

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rip me I have a bunch of Lethal Weapons songs stuck in my head

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!