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Control August update 

Oh my god they’re adding new control points AND soft checkpoints to certain tougher areas thank fuck
I love this game but some areas feel borderline unfair with really long checkpoints between
Also, new accessibility/difficulty tweaks is ALWAYS a good thing. Being able to change things like damage, being able to die, how quick your stuff recharges, etc. is awesome.

So, they’re suing Apple for having a monopoly on getting apps on iOS and they’re suing Google for...........?

US pol, VP 

@ cos white men please log off and shut the fuck up and listen to the people that are hesitant/angry about Kamala as vp pick

Why does skinner only want to cuddle when it’s 90+ degrees

buny gf boosted

Fortnite now exclusive to Nokia devices running Maemo

buny gf boosted

LG will be relaunching the HP App Catalog to host Fortnite exclusively for the Palm Prē, Pixi and the HP TouchPad

Fortnite now EXCLUSIVELY on LG TVs with webOS

buny gf boosted

+++breaking+++ fortnite is now exclusively available on the huawei app gallery

silly fetish doodle 

This is the doodle that Alec did in my second volume of Mr. Boop it’s beautiful

Hey Tim Sweeney I have Ubuntu Touch installed on my Nexus 4 can I get Fortnite on it?

Look, no matter where you stand on Apple v Epic this is definitely a crucial thing to consider

Wow Tim, you had such a creative team working on Fortnite to come up with all those dances all on their own, how amazing

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Hey Tim Sweeney, yeah, hi, good job wanting to overthrow tech monopolies and make more open platforms and be more forward thinking, that’s good and all but quick question how do you feel about your workers unionizing?

Oh wow I can’t believe Epic is giving away Fortnite for free!

US pol, COVID 

Aaaahahahahahaha we’re all gonna die 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!