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I’m so glad Giant Bomb got Drew to guest on the quick look for the new MS flight sim

request for help question @ color theory people re: posters and frames 

Hello people that know more about color than myself: What color frame do y’all think would look good for this print? I want to accent the v60


I’m slowly getting back in the groove doing latte art in to go cups
After almost two years of doing 95% of my art in “for here” vessels that are much designed to be poured into to make art it’s hard to get down the different motion

Covid conspiracy, Internet personality 

Oh no this extremely not poggers at all my dude

Wow there is some wild haze this morning

Good morning please look at this adorable dingus again I love her

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If you like cider and pineapple then like this is the best drink ever it’s so dang good
It’s like an adult caprisun

US pol 

Oh boy can’t wait for George W Bush to be the surprise guest speaker for the last night of the DNC 🙃🙃🙃🙃

lmao god damn E3 really trying to stay relevant wish trash posts to hide the fact that it’s in its deathbed and no one gives a shit about it anymore

Just shove your sim tool right into the lightning port

agakxldksjs the middle metal support beam on my shitty ikea bedframe just broke 🙃🙃🙃
Thankfully it’s only $15 for a new beam AND that bed lasted 6 years (including a move) so like, I’m fine with riding it out until I move outta SJ and get rid of the bed altogether

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!