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YouTube is overheating my phone but still won’t let me watch YouTube Picture in Picture fuck outta here

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There was an update for YouTube on iOS last night and good god it’s making my phone HOT just watching a single video now

I have found what seems to be a reputable seller of phones on eBay and they’re selling the Infobar xv but it’s $450 and just uuuuuuuuuugh
I want one but oof I don’t have that kinda money to throw around right now

@ everyone of the Fediverse: Anyone have a Microsoft Kin One they wanna sell me?

Normal phone collectors: Wow I want the classic, amazing, iconic old smartphones like the original iPhone
Me: I need a Microsoft Kin One it’s such garbage. Garbage little circle boy. Literal useless. I want to hold it.

Like, are they still so expensive because Verizon sold 500 of them and now NO ONE has any?

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Someone is selling a Kin One for $200 on eBay?????
It has all the packaging and looks fine but OOF $200???????


Ooooooh that espresso shot tasted like raspberry

current CA stuff re fired and air quality 

Holy shit this is the first time I’ve seen the AQI below 150 in days

Look, I want a Kin One but there is no fucking way I’m gonna pay $150 for what is essentially a paperweight at this point

buny gf boosted

So from what I’ve been able to gather my name written in Japanese would be エーブリン?

The gym leader battle song in SwSh still slaps really hard

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!