ALSO there was no like, going back in time or digitally de-aging the two guys so thank GOD for that
Like, it actually DIDN’T feel like a soulless cashgrab, probably because none of the four guys that made it are hurting for cash. They don’t NEED that nostalgia money, they just seem to love the characters
us pol, Twitter being terrible
What is the point of the “manipulated media” tag of its just gonna stay up?
The people that share this around and try to get it to spread literally don’t care about it being fake, they’ve shown time and time again that they have no problem making and spreading fake videos or images or sound bites because THEY KNOW IT WORKS AND THEY WON’T FACE ANY CONSEQUENCES
The people that pay attention to the fake media label already know it’s fake
celebrity Covid
Holy shit Mark Mothersbaugh had Covid in June?????
A living sin against aesthetics | Coffee Warlock | She/They |
Discord @ evie#6053