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Oh my god they’ve stayed in sync!
All I had to do was completely drain both of them, charge em, and then reset them and re-pair them to my phone 🙃

Someone made a Twitter account dedicated to making Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy easy to stream and watch for free
You can just watch episodes of the show on Twitter and they do live streams of the newest episode once a day?

There’s been an iMac g3 in almost every episode of Malcom in the Middle so far

buny gf boosted

boost with cw, friend needs help potentially evacuating in portland/milwaukee area, boosts needed :boost_ok: 

I’ve been off work since last Tuesday and apparently Sbux has a Disney music playlist for the cafe now??????
I’m gonna lose it tomorrow

What up it’s 12:30pm and this is what my house looks like without any lights on

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I didn’t wake up until 11 because of the awful sky let’s go

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What up Bay Area it’s straight up orange right now

Oooooooh my iPod should be here on Friday 👀👀👀

So Ubisoft is DEFINITELY gonna be the first studio to make a game based around a virus that causes a global pandemic after all this right?

Why do you fuckers do this?????
It only starts happening at like 40% the right one starts drawing twice as fast

buny gf boosted

What’s the easiest way the kids are watching GameCenter CX these days?

It’s so yellow and golden outside from the haze it looks like we’re in a shitty TV shows version of Mexico where they just slap a yellow filter over everything

lmao setting up a Pixel 2, even on Android 11, still asks if you want to install Allo as an extra app

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!