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Gosh there’s another new King Gizzard album

Oh, you have to already have Pokémon from PoGo registered in your Pokédex to transfer them from Go to Home to SwSh 🙃

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Please for the love of god stop giving shitty white men an audience fucking hell what is wrong with people???????

My M U S I C O R B is waiting for me at home

Maybe because I’m not a 1% Silicon Valley ceo billionaire but like, is not being able to organize phone contacts really a problem for people?
Also god damn this app looks ugly as shit

I was not expecting blåhaj to be pronounced like that (I’ve never actually heard å said out loud)


I’m still not the best at getting my rosetta down as far as possible with a paper cup BUT the lines and contrast on this are great

Twitter pls fuck off with this new feature

food hot take 

Caesar salad still continues to be literally the best type of salad

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!