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Finally, I’ll have what it takes to be a Pokémon Master

All 96 cards are here
I don’t think they’ve ever left these pages
They are in AMAZING condition it seems
I have no clue if they’re real or not?

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So I went to my parents house today to go through some old boxes of my stuff and OH BOY
One of them had my full set of my Japanese “Gold, Silver, To A New World” (Neo Genesis in the US) Pokémon cards

Might fuck around and try to get into bonsai

Look, I don’t care for his sense of humor but as far as I know he hasn’t done anything horrific AND he’s hardcore pro union so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Seth MacFuckingFarlane is in this episode of Simpsons?????????

Mmmmmm lazy Sunday playing some New Vegas with a heated blanket and a cat on my lap uwu


Sure it’s like 37F right now BUT an iced chemex with some whole milk and simple syrup is hitting the spot this morning

GOOOOOOOD the first few hours of New Vegas sucks

Someone come make me coffee I don’t wanna do it myself

tfw you want hololive merch but don’t live in Japan

Hey!!!!HELLO!i'm usa idol eviebun!


The Kos Parasite + Milkweed rune is the best weapon in all of the soulsborne games as far as lore/aesthetics goes
Also BB has the best weapons overall tbh

Every now and then I think about the Apple clear case for the iPhone 12 series and just kinda chuckle to myself at how awkward it is

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!